Ihope to find some help in here, i have the following diagram


and i want a query which return Emp_ID, Pro_ID

i can get these values but by 2 queries as the following;

select Pro_ID from Projects where Dep_ID in 
(select Dep_ID from Departments where name = 'test') 

select Emp_ID from Employees where Dep_ID in 

(select Dep_ID from Departments where name = 'test')

the goal of having the result through one query is that i want to insert the value into another table
insert into testTable (query)

Hope to see reply ASAP

If the tables have a 1:1 relationship:

  select Top 1 Pro_ID 
  from Projects 
  where Dep_ID in 
    select Dep_ID 
    from Departments 
    where name = 'test'
) As PRO_ID,
  select Top 1 Emp_ID 
  from Employees 
  where Dep_ID in 
    select Dep_ID 
    from Departments 
    where name = 'test'

Thanks for ur quick response.
the relationship is 1:m
so i'm getting this error message when i'm trying this query
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
The statement has been terminated.

i think that i need to use JOIN but i don't know how to join these tables to get the desire results.

so any other suggestions?

You haven't provided enough information to answer that question. Please provide table structures for both tables, sample data, and desired results from your sample data.

the structure is as the follow;
Dep_ID (int), Name (Varchar)
Emp_ID (int), Name (Varchar), Dep_ID (int)
Pro_ID (int), Name (Varchar), Dep_ID (int)
ID (int), Pro_ID (int), Emp_ID (int)

sample data
1 ------- Administration
2 ------- Markiting
1 ------- Mike ------ 2
2 ------- jhone ----- 1
1 ------- test ------ 2
2 ------- test1 ----- 1

Now i want to get Emp_ID, Pro_ID which have the same Dep_ID depending on the Dep name and insert them into temp table and then insert them back to Pro_Emp table

the relationships are clarified in the attached pic up in the first post.

i hope that the situation is clear now

>>the relationships are clarified in the attached pic up in the first post.
That picture is a 1x1" square. There is no way you could read it..

Try something like this. I still don't understand what you're asking but maybe this will work:

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Department', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Department
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Employee', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Employee
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Projects', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Projects

Create Table #Department
  Name varchar(50)
Insert Into #Department (Dep_ID, Name) Values (1, 'Administration')
Insert Into #Department (Dep_ID, Name) Values (2, 'Marketing')

Create Table #Employee
  Name varchar(50),
  Dep_ID int
Insert Into #Employee (Emp_ID, Name, Dep_ID) Values (1, 'Mike', 2)
Insert Into #Employee (Emp_ID, Name, Dep_ID) Values (2, 'Jhone', 1)

Create Table #Projects
  Name varchar(50),
  Dep_ID int
Insert Into #Projects (Pro_ID, Name, Dep_ID) Values (1, 'test', 2)
Insert Into #Projects (Pro_ID, Name, Dep_ID) Values (2, 'tes1', 1)

Select *
From #Department Inner Join #Projects On (#Projects.Name = 'Test' and #Department.Dep_ID = #Projects.Dep_ID)
                 Inner Join #Employee On (#Projects.Dep_ID = #Employee.Dep_ID)

about the pic i've attached another one, i hope it's clear now.
i will describe the process which will get me to the desired result
- i have projects on the waiting list in this table
ID (int)
Name (varchar)
Dep_ID (int)

now after moving the projects from the waiting_list into their table Projects i want to fill Pro_Emp table which used to broke many to many relationship between Projects and Employee table.
so the main goal is to fill Pro_Emp table

so your first query is giving me the desired results but in the case of 1:1 relationship.

the insert query should be like this

insert into Pro_Emp (Emp_ID, Pro_ID) select Emp_ID, Pro_ID from Employee, Projects where Dep_ID in (select Dep_ID from departments where name = 'test')

(this query isn't right but i've put it as sample to the query which i want)
as i said before i can get Emp_ID individually by a query but i want to get these two values togethr (Emp_ID, Pro_ID)

i hope this clear now, if not please let me know the point which making u confused.

thanks for ur help

Take the query I updated, add more test data, and report back what you want. The test data you provided only had a 1:1 relationship in the database.

i just wanna say many thanks for ur help
i've solved it.

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