Hi to all,
table name: mail
email name
abc@gmail.com abc
def@rediff.com def
pqr@yahoo.com PQR
xyz@daniweb.com XYZ



List all email and names in lower letters without any blanks.


I ran ltrim(), rtrim() and lower() function on data successfully. But fail to retrieve this data. Will you please help me? I don't have any little bit idea about code.

can you please explain - in which format you want this data??

if you want email concatenating with name, you can simply use "||" (without quotes)


select lower(trim(email)) || lower(trim(name)) from mail;

or if you want in separate columns then you need to replace "||" with "," only(again - without quotes ).

what you have done it is looking correct only.


I really do not understand what do you mean by -- I ran ltrim(), rtrim() and lower() function on data successfully. But fail to retrieve this data.

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