Hi all
Not sure if im posting in the right section so sorry if i am.

I have been looking for an open source asset/inventory solution for a friend. I came across Free CMMS on sourceforge.net and for ease of installation and testing installed the latest version of XAMPP as Free CMMS requires the functionality this setup provides. The problem I have is support for the latest version of Free CMMS (1.4) seems to have ceased and was last updated in 2005. I have tried to contact the author via sourceforge but have received no response. I am in contact with another sourceforge user with an interest in the project but he seems to be as lost as i am.

As the project is based on older versions of PHP MySQL and Apache (MySQL 3.23.53 & 4.1.1, PHP 4.2.3 & 4.3.4, and Apache 2.0.43) and will of been built with using older web browser versions, when I try to initialise the databases I run into syntax errors.

I have attempted to correct/update some of these errors with some success but as I am new to these languages, feel I have bitten off far more than I can chew.

Are there any easy to follow conversions or error correcting IDE's that could help?
Would a workable solution be to install the same versions of the above platforms if they are still available?

Any help, advice or alternatives would be greatly appreciated.


You could try to run an older version. You can find a history of xampp versions here.

I don't think you can find anything really useful to help you port to a newer version. It will probably require a lot of work. You can always fork the project and try to get people to take a renewed interest in it.

You could try to run an older version. You can find a history of xampp versions here.

I don't think you can find anything really useful to help you port to a newer version. It will probably require a lot of work. You can always fork the project and try to get people to take a renewed interest in it.

Hi thanks for reply, i kind of thought that would be the case. Will give the older versions (cheers for link) a go and hope for the best.

Dont suppose you know of any open source asset tracking / inventory management programs.

Thanks again

No, I don't. But you can try searching sourceforge or github.

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