I have set my table to InnoDB

which has parent to child relation

table 2(child) has FK Reference to table 1 (parent) PK

table 2 has cascade on update and delete

I am trying to insert a record in table 2 which PK doesnt exist yet in table 1

my goal is to create a temporary fk in table 2 and then update that later to a valid FK once PK has been created in table 1


please share your query

I am trying to insert a record in table 2 which PK doesnt exist yet in table 1

This is precisely what FK's are meant to prevent. I am not sure if MySQL INNODB tables have/support nullable FK's, but that's what you need.

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I have to agree with Pritaeas and you see it yourself. FKs by definition should have a PK counterpart. MySQL isn't too fussy about creating 'constraints' (FKs), but the fact that you have coupled the tables with a cascade makes using a temporary FK unsafe (which it probably would be anyway)/impossible.

I can't see how you'd end up in this situation. You perhaps need to insert a new PK into table 1, which may hold temporary data, the user can then come back to edit BEFORE entering data in table2.

Is this a system similar to where a basket may be filled with items before the user logs in or registers?

You may want to read this SO thread on the subject.

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