hello iam using oracle 10g express edition actually iam not able to connect to sql plus if i enter the commands it shows an error mesaage as "not connected".so i tried another way of opening by connecting in oracle 10g go to database home page and entered my password and i entered sql commands it keeps on showing error please help me and solve this thread

Hello rithish,

try opening the sql command line and connecting to your database, e.g

Conn system as sysdba

and extremely thnak u i was searching for 3 hours and i have more doubts ill post it to u in next thread

difference between

conn system

conn system as sysdba

actually i created a table in conn system.and next time i logged in as conn system as sysdba.i could not view the table

You can't log in with

conn system as sysdba

it has to be

conn sys as sysdba

if you want to login as system login with system/<password>@<connection_string>

In addition to debasisdas above, helpful links: One and two

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