I am using MSSQL (Microsoft SQL)to liase with python via third party driver.
Well here goes...
I have created two instances of SQL registration in my Enterprise manager. It is under

i)Console Root->Microsoft SQL Servers->SQL Server Group->(LOCAL)(Windows NT) and

ii)Console Root->Microsoft SQL Servers->SQL Server Group-> INTEL\FR6EnterpriseDB (Windows NT)
Btw INTEL is the name of my computer..

So in fact both of them are in localhost...

Here's the problem...

db=MSSQL.connect('localhost','sa','','FirstDBase') ..there's no problem and the database access is successful in the first case.

but I am not sure on how to access the database in the second instance
db=MSSQL.connect('','sa','','SecondDbase') and in this case the used IP is the one I got when ipconfig at the cmd prompt.
The error occurs and dbopen('') fails. I have tried other names like 'localhost' and ''.

A million thanks to anyone who can guide me in the right direction.


try this, I'm an ADO user so not sure about Python, but the theory should be the same.

You see both databases are listening on that IP address, which is synonymouse with 'INTEL', the only way to differentiate is that the server with no name is the default and the other is called 'FR6EnterpriseDB' so when connecting if you don;t differentiate in your string it will try to find 'SecondDBase' in the default server and of course it's not there so it fails.

Thanks a million...It finally werks... After a shit whole of week, sumtin to cherish..

Kudos to U guys at daniWeb...


try this, I'm an ADO user so not sure about Python, but the theory should be the same.

You see both databases are listening on that IP address, which is synonymouse with 'INTEL', the only way to differentiate is that the server with no name is the default and the other is called 'FR6EnterpriseDB' so when connecting if you don;t differentiate in your string it will try to find 'SecondDBase' in the default server and of course it's not there so it fails.

Hi man,
Your above solution werks..I am hosting to the database and my collegue running on Linux has prob connecting. He can connect to the but not to the one with the '\FR6Enterprise' .

I am gratefull if anyone knoes what the problem is...Or is that Linux doesnt support the anyting else other than the default instance.

Thanks in advance.

Hi it is solved.. the linux problem...
I never knew MSSQL uses different port for every instance...dats it...
Bottom line: U must specify ur port number in ur connectionstring..


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