
Is there any freeware to convert mdb format to mdf format?
When converting mdb to mdf, why does it keeping prompting for server name , then user then password.
Even thou i'm converting it from local server....without having to use the lans connection.
Is there any other way of converting mdb to mdf ? i tried to use access, the same error appear too.
Please advise if there is any easy method out for converting. Thanks.

I haven't found any free ware, they all seem to cost $100+

I just ended up doing a data dump and then importing it into the desired format.


But how do u import from access to sql? I'm using the upsize to sql....when it prompt for sql server....it failed there. Is there any other solution, without using the upsize method?


But how do u import from access to sql? I'm using the upsize to sql....when it prompt for sql server....it failed there. Is there any other solution, without using the upsize method?

Do you have sql server running on the machine? make sure it is started and try again

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