I have a few nice ideas for a game that i would like to make, involving some, what i see as, pretty advanced coding requirements.

all i would like is a site with some nice begginer tutorials, i think i can take it from there, also your favorite program or two and language to use...

(you can stop reading now, i tend to ramble...)

Im new to the c++ and c# and other sorts of languages, most of what ive done in the past has been web based, eg java and php.

ive looked around for some tutorials and cant find a lot, really all i need is a 2d environment, laid out kind of like a computer desktop, different functionality in different areas of the screen, maybe some layers for different things, im not looking for someone to guide me through the process, or give me answers, just someone to point me to some tutorials.

I like a tutorial that tells you what to do, i dont need any background information on c++ to use it, just how. i know the general functions strings operators and things of that nature, and i can go into some pretty advanced php and java... but alas, i ramble...

any site would be fine, as long as its to the point. please help.

ive looked around for some tutorials and cant find a lot, really all i need is a 2d environment, laid out kind of like a computer desktop, different functionality in different areas of the screen, maybe some layers for different things

Sorry, what exactly do you mean by this segment? This is the sort of thing you're looking to program for the game?..

begginer tutorials that tell you how to make a basic program... that sort of thing.

then by 2d i mean the game is inherently text-based, with pictures and whatnot, but not a 3d application, i would like some ability to click and drag certain aspects of the game, and have them layer if they are on top of each other...

A 2D graphical program is not a "basic program". In any case, if you want to use the Python language (simple syntax, easy to learn), you can use the pygame module which is a wrapper for the SDL graphics library. However, if you want to stick with C++, then you can use OpenGL or DirectX (a bit harder) for your 2D interface.

Here's the NeHe OpenGL tutorial page, which seems to be exceedingly well-known. This can get you started into basic 3D (or 2D) stuff with OpenGL.

that's a good idea!

This is a few months old, but still only on the 2nd page. I think it is worth mentioning for anyone else that visits this page:

If you are looking to program 2D games, a good library to use is SDL.
Check out the tutorials on http://lazyfoo.net, they are some of the best.

If you would like to program in 3D, check out OpenGL, some tutorials found at http://videotutorialsrock.com or DirectX (Windows Exclusive)

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