iam student in uni, need to know how to write a program for a game that has lucky number and unlucky number in two dimentional array which consists of 25 cells...
please help me!

Have you written anything, or are you just asking us to do your homework?

Hey you even didn't wrote what game mechanics you should expect. Or do you think that we are some kind of wizards ?

Plz explain your question fully then we can help you....

thanks all for the reply... this is what i have ...

# include <iostream>
using namespace std; // declare library
void nextLine(){  
int main(){
	cout<<"The name of this game is (seek and find). it has lucky & unlucky number \n"; // intro to the game
	cout<<"If you hit the lucky number, you will win! \n"; // intro to the game
	cout<<"If you hit the unlucky number, you will lose!\n"; // intro to the game
	cout<<"Otherwise you have 2 more chances to win!\n"; // intro to the game
	nextLine(); // call nextLine function
	cout<<"you have this table bellow which consists of 25 numbers"<<endl; // prompt uer to enter a number
	nextLine();  // call nextLine function
	int table [5][5]; // declare a two dimentional array 5 by 5
	int num; // declare num
	int const lucky number=2; // declare & intialize constant lucky number
	int const unlucky number=4; // declare & intialize constant unlucky number 
	for (int i=0;i<5;i++) // using for loop to intialize the table
		for (int j=0;j<5;j++) // declare and intialize i
			table [i][j]=0; // declare and intialize j
	for (int i=0;i<5;i++) // make a condition for i
		for (int j=0;j<5;j++) // make condition for j
			cout<<table [i][j]<<"\t"; // output i and j
		cout <<endl;
	nextLine(); // call nextLine function
	cout<<"enter a number between 1-25 please!"<<endl; // propmt user to enter a number btwn 1-25
	cin>>num; // read numer

	rand( int const lucky number) // calling random function
		for (table=0;<table<25;table++){ // make condtion for random
			cout<<const lucky number<<endl; // output the lucky number randomly

			rand (int const unlucky number) // calling random function
				for (table=0;<table<25;table++){ // make condtion for random
			cout<<const unlucky number<<endl;  // output the unlucky number randomly
				switch ( game) // using switch to output the result
				case 1: // if the user hits the lucky number
					cout<<" you win the game!"<<endl; // output message that the user won
					break; // end the game
				case 2: // if the user hits the unlucky number
					cout<<" you lost the game\n"; //output message that user lost
					cout<<" do you wanna play another game?\n"; // output message to give user option of playing again
					cout<<" if yes then enter 1, if no enter 0\n"; // propmt user to enter 1 or 0 based ont the message
					if (num==1) continue; // continue if entered 1
					else if (num==0) break; // break if entered 0
					break; // end
				case 3: // if user entered a nother number
					if (num!= lucky number && unlucky number)// if the number didnt much
					cout<<" enter another number"<<endl; // propmt user to try again
					else if ( num!= lucky number && unlucky number) // if the number didnt much
						cout<<" you lost the game!\n" // output message that user lost
						cout<<"you have 3 times wrong hits"<<endl; //output the record
					    cout<<" do you wanna play another game?\n"; // give user options of playing
					    cout<<" if yes then enter 1, if no enter 0\n";  // propmt user to enter 1 or 0 based ont the message
					     if (num==1) continue; // continue if entered 1
					     else if (num==0) break; // break if entered 0
				return 0;
commented: Please use code tags. You still haven't explained your problem... +0

I can see several errors in the code, have you tried compiling it so you can see what errors you have?

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