I genuinely hope this is the right place to post this question.

Anyways, I play video games alot and I really like them (I know playing video games won't help me make them ) But as I play them I keep on getting the urge to create my own video games. It should also be mentioned that I have absolutely no experience what so ever with programming

I've been looking at many different languages recently to see which one is the best for begginners like me and suits the kindove thing I am going to be doing, which is programming video games!

And I really don't know wheather or not I should start from one of the easier languages to understand the fundamentals (easier languages such as python or vb.net) My reasoning for learning the easier languages is so that when I want to learn languages like C# and Javascript (or whatever language is best for programming in unity) It would be easier to learn

It probably sounds like I have no chance of becoming a programmer, and I probably don't, but I really want to create my own video games and I want to atleast try first.

So, what's more important for a newbie like me. Learning the fundamentals and then working my way up? Or jumping right into the more advances language.

If you really want to write video games, then you can get there. And we can help you get there.

Keep in mind, most modern video games would require a team of employed programmers to develop. You won't be writting anything too profesional without a lot of time on your hands.

Also keep in mind while I'm saying this that no-one's mastered the art of introducing programming. This is just my take on it.

  1. Learning programming is really divided into 2 parts. That is, language and problem solving. A lot of 'tutorials', etc. focus on the language, and not enough of the problem solving. You'll need exposure to both. Just keep that in the back of your head.

  2. There are a further 2 ways to be introduced to programming. The first way (that I recommend) is learning a traditional programming language, and going through the motions of learning how algorithms, data structures, etc.. work before diving into something that can actually produce a game. The second method is to learn a language that will let you start writting a game right away, and hiding all of the details from you so you don't need to worry about it. And I guess the theird way is to get one of those "pre-built" game maker things... not the best solution to a professional game however.

In my perhaps-not-so-humble opinion, I recommend you start with racket . A great book used by MIT and other big universities is http://htdp.org/ . You probably wont write any intense games in this language (I beleive a few playstaytion uses it to script games though). The reason I recommend this language is:

  1. It forces you to program in a generalized manner. If you start with a procedural language vs. racket, I feel like the racket programmer will be ahead of the game, understanding usefull data structures and algortihms faster.

  2. It's actually rather usefull for quite a few things, and can be used profesionally.

  3. You'll have a strong foundation for other types of programming.

While your learning the language, https://projecteuler.net/ is a nice place to go to get some practice in with other problems. Again, you need both language and skill at solving problems to be an effective programmer.

After you've learned racket, I would recommend checking out C/C++ if you're interested in game development. They will give you a little more exposure the the innerworking of the system - something which is invaluable to game programmers. You can use these languages to write professional games (C++/opengl/SDL for example).

commented: Good advise. +15

I looked a bit into and it seemed all fine an dandy! I trust your recommendation and I hope I can understand it well enough to build a good foundation for C and hopefully C# (long term, I want to become an effective unity programmer)

You said "How to Design Programs" was used by MIT so I may find it difficult to read/comprehend as I am a 7th grader..

I'm still going to get the book and attempt to understand everything the author tries to conveys, but I may be coming back here a good bit for my dumb questions as I haven't found that much information on it online.

The book is availible online for free I should mention (it's part of MIT opencourseware). The table of contents is here. The second edition is also good, and it might be easier to understand here. They both cover simular material, so the choice is up to you. Paper-back copies are also availible if you prefer them.

If your starting at grade 7, great! If you want to become a game programmer, you can become one no problem, if thats what you want. At the very least, it's usefull to explore programming to determine if you like it or not.

Don't let the fact that it's from MIT scare you. People make "this level" seem to be scary and hard, but it's really not. This book is still written for people who've never programmed before. If you have confidence reading English, the book shouldn't be too too bad. Just read it slowly! Plus, you can say you're in grade 7, and you're learning programming at MIT level. Brag a little. :P

If you have any questions with racket, you can post them to the "software development" forums, or the "software development/legacy languages" forums. No question is dumb, and feel free to ask as many as you want.

If you're in grade 7, project euler might be a little bit hard. It's not because the programming itself is above your level, but it's more that they tend to use mathematics that most 7th graders wouldn't have seen yet (its not hard math, its just stuff you might not have seen). With the help of google, I would say you would be a very bright 7th grader if you got the first 10 problems done. If you can't, don't worry at all. Their not that important at this point. You still have a lot of time and you can come back to them when you're a little older.

Thank you! That was actually pretty motivating. I'm determined to learn what this book has to teach me now. :D

And don't start trying to write games until you're a pretty decent programmer AND designer, it'll only end in tears.
Games are complex pieces of code, you'll get utterly swamped.

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