Hi, I'm curious on how and which tools are used to develop an 8 ball pool game. The one I'm referring to is that you play online with strangers, and friends for coins and tournaments.

Can anyone point me to the right direction. This will be my first attempt in game development, but I'm a full stack developer and a software developer with Java, VB.NET, C++ ( very new)

Looks like it's been done as well as PVP at https://github.com/henshmi/Classic-Pool-Game

I see they gave a list of credits that includes possible learning sources for you:

Thanks, will give it a short

You can likewise play 8-Ball/9-Ball pool to win monetary rewards. For that you need to play the serious games. You should present a Fee to contend in Cash games. For instance, If you need to claim part in a $5 reward game, you should pay a charge of $3.

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