Hi, we plan to set up a company in india to write game programme. anyone can help/advise how to go about.

Hello there.

I'm not entirely sure if it's a good idea to start a software development company off by creating games. Well, whatever.

You'll need a good project lead, expect to spend hours with the lead programmer, artist, and designer to get a good idea of what you can and can't do. Once you've got the game started, set goals or "checkpoints" of the project so you can measure progress. Test the game constantly, and make sure they submit proper bug reports.

And don't get discouraged if it doesn't work out, because hey, that's life!

Oooo Can I Do A Logo For You Heh

Dear S11kenneth, I just wanted to let you know that you need to be a little mroe Specific about what you wanna do. If you do not explain what you want to exactly do we will have a hard time understanding.

2 lines wont cut what you want to exactly do make a mmorpg?

Without a good businessplan you're never going to get anywhere.
Maybe it's different in India but in the real world you're not going to get any investors (let alone staff) by just saying you want to "make game programs".

Find out if there's an opening in the market where you could make money, write a business plan on how you plan to exploit that opening, with that try to get some bankloans to start a business.
Write some more documents like an initial design, try to find staff willing to risk their life savings working for you on the almost certainty that they'll loose their jobs when you go bankrupt in a few months, get them set up to create the technical specs, etc. etc.
By that time your marketing people should have put a nice package together to confront venture capitalists for investment funds.
You'll need that too to build your hardware and software infrastructure and pay your staff.

Rather than trying to start a physical company right away, it'll be a lot less riskier to create games as an indi developer. Keep in mind that literally thousands of games are created each year, yet only a handfull of them ever make a substantial profit. Occationally, the little guys might break through, such as Looking Glass (who are no longer around now anyway).

Hi, we plan to set up a company in india to write game programme. anyone can help/advise how to go about.


I am Amitava Dutta from India, as you asked for setup a company in India for game programming, I want to say you if you want to go for a online game development then you need to set up a team with one Game Producer one Game Designer and Graphic Animator and Programmer. As you didn't mentioned what type of game you required, I need to say as for any kind of game development the main thing depends upon the developer and Testing team I thing for a good startup it's required to built a Team with these specialist persons, and it will take a near about six to seven months for launch a site with some quality games, and if you want to go for other consol gamming then it will take a year near about for releasing a Game, and then you can think for further development and increasing your team strength. I forgot to say that you must need a web team with a web developer and web designer for online game development. I am saying these from my last seven yrs of experience of game development, I am recently working on Flash based online Game Development with different kind of games like Action, Arcade, RPG, Sports, Multiplayer and etc. You can see my developed games in <<snipped>> and I also developed
games for other sites and worked for different organizations in India. I think it will be a great start to built a team in India because it's a good time to start for now it a largest booming time is going on here for game development. In India company Like Reliance, IBM, Satyam are going to start their own online game development. So let start to build a team and wish you a best of next gamming Industry.


Amitava Dutta


man power is needed,
what kind of mmo are you planning to make. like genre fantasy,scifi, etc

check the dates, kid. It's been over a year since this spammer posted his call for people to come work for him for free.

i don't really think this is spam it sounds like someone asking for help to me

What experience does the game programmers require to work?

Hmmm ... interesting. This thread caught my attention right away. I know from experiance that there are always 50-people forecasting doom for every new idea that pops up. The only real question is how committed are you to this venture?

I would assume that if you are still pursuing this idea after so long that you are commited to it. Since I am an eternal optimist and a retired programmer teaching school let's see what I can offer.

I don't have a handle on what you want to do so here is what we do:

Our game programming club on Saturdays took the approach that we would produce a small 3d game in the likeness of World of Warcraft and build it from Open Source software only.

We used:

Blender 3d .. for char creation with output to MD2 format

Dev C++ compiler for coding with an import to OpenGL

DirectX for sound

Status: our engine is complete and students are loading characters into our engine as a class inheritance. We have everything from well designed characters to carrots running around in our game throwing fire balls, casting spells and swinging swords (we even have a cube with legs and no arms doing the same :) <-- lazy student

We are more than happy to share what we have learned (about 4-years worth of code) and are at your disposal. I will throw all of our resources up on www.learntogame.com if you want them.

Ball is in your court,

Look at the post count for the kid. He posted his one message and never has been back.
That tells us several things:
He doesn't monitor these forums at all.
He's not serious about his effort.
He's just a kid with fluffy ideas and no sense of reality.

Look at the post count for the kid. He posted his one message and never has been back.
That tells us several things:
He doesn't monitor these forums at all.
He's not serious about his effort.
He's just a kid with fluffy ideas and no sense of reality.

good point

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