I am a .Net ASP Developer, I now work, i design a website application that run on the web for office use, which has basic office task features, Now i need a mobile version of the website, that can run on different mobile OS, I have read alot of material online and now i am confuse on how to go about it.

The site have some basic company profile that is read by their client, that the programming part by the User in the Office,

I have read Phonegap, Flash Builder 4.5 Flex, but i need you help on how to get started with designing website app for Mobile Phones. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated.

Please visit http://create.msdn.com/ there you will find tutorials as well as developer tools on developing apps for windows phone.

flash builder is really easy. adobe has tutorials on its site for how to use flash builder/flex... as far as styling goes, you can use css to style your application in flash builder too.

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