Kill exe from the command line in windows if its running

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The code below will check if a particular exe is running in windows, return the Process ID and force kill the process. If anybody has an easier way to do it please feel free to comment :)

def isrunning(exe) :

        try :
                p = os.popen(r'tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq "'+ exe + ' /FO "LIST" 2>&1' , 'r' )
                PID ='\n')[2].split(":")[1].lstrip(" ")
                return PID

        except :
                return "None"


PID = isrunning('notepad.exe')

if PID != "None" :
        os.system(r'taskkill /F /PID ' + PID)
Tech B 48 Posting Whiz in Training

This looks good. I read a little about killing processes in Gray Hat Python via PID. There is another way too with WMI(

I used it to kill the internet, but could be used for other things like notepad. Mine was set to kill the process at a certain time.

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