#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

char decesion_matrix(double hh)
	if(hh < 5)
		printf("statement 1\n");
			printf("statement 2\n");
		return 0;
int chara_sum (int ii, char string[ii])
	int loop;
	char a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;
	double hh;
	hh = 0;

	for(loop=0;loop<ii; loop++)
		if(string[loop] == a)
			string[loop] = 1;
		if(string[loop] == b)
			string[loop] == 2;
		if(string[loop] == c)
			string[loop] = 0.5;
		if(string[loop] == d)
			string[loop] = 7.5;
		if(string[loop] == e)
			string[loop] = 3;
		if(string[loop] == f)
			string[loop] = 100;
		if(string[loop] == g)
			string[loop] = 0.25;
		if(string[loop] == h)
			string[loop] = 0;
		if(string[loop] == i)
			string[loop] = 1;
		if(string[loop] == j)
			string[loop] = 0.5;
		if(string[loop] == k)
			string[loop] = 13;
		if(string[loop] == l)
			string[loop] = 21;
		if(string[loop] == m)
			string[loop] = 5;
		if(string[loop] == n)
			string[loop] = 62;
		if(string[loop] == o)
			string[loop] = 15.5;
		if(string[loop] == p)
			string[loop] = 4;
		if(string[loop] == q)
			string[loop] = 2;
		if(string[loop] == r)
			string[loop] = 0;
		if(string[loop] == s)
			string[loop] = 18;
		if(string[loop] == t)
			string[loop] = 3;
		if(string[loop] == u)
			string[loop] = 19;
		if(string[loop] == v)
			string[loop] = 23;
		if(string[loop] == w)
			string[loop] = 9;
		if(string[loop] == x)
			string[loop] = 4.5;
		if(string[loop] == y)
		string[loop] = 0.5;
		if(string[loop] == z)
		string[loop] = 0;
hh = hh + string[loop];
printf("The wind chill factor is  = %.2f\n", hh);
	return hh;

char chara_input(int ii, char string[ii])
	printf("Please enter your name excluding spaces \n");
	scanf("%lf", &string[ii]);
	return 0;

int main (void)
	int ii;
       double hh = 0;

	printf("How many characters are in your name excluding spaces?\n");
	scanf("%d", &ii);
	char string[ii];

	return 0;

when i compile it is complainig about the large if statement..i also added hh function to see if it was doing the math but its not as i keep gettin zero and thus not a correct final statement...i think i am havin an issue with changing the charcter into a interger. well please leave me your input as clear as possiable and that would be greatly appreciated thank you. (i apoilgize if my english is bad im german :D )

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I would recommend reading a book first on the basics.

Yes I agree with iamthwee -- you should just scrap that whole program because it is horribly wrong. Start with the basics by reading an introduction to c book from page 1 and don't skip ahead. I could point out a few problems in your code but there are so many errors that is isn't worth it.

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