in my c++ class we have to make a game and i need some ideas on what to make.
the only thing i have learned is:
random numbers, ifs, switch case, while loop, for loop, some character string functions of cin.get and cin.ignore, also declaring a character string, data formatting functions such as tabbing and spacing.also learned do while loop and string length function.
please give me suggestions on what kind of games i can make with these things i have learned.

A random number guessing number could suffice to some extent...

i need something that would keep me busy for a while, that is too easy, i can finish that in a day, need something that would take at least a week and it should be something cool

Do you know cout or other out put? If so you could do a text based RPG or a quiz game.

Try going for Go, Tic-tac-toe, Bingo... all of them with AI.. quite interesting and would take quite a time.

Download minimine from sourceforge and modify.

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