word.doc attached. please tell me if it isn't attached thanks

You should know Swing layout basics to implement such a window using Java. The bane with buttons on the left is so called 'Outlook bar' - there are several ready made solutions to be used. Just Google for it and you will find. And all elements in the window should be layouted accordingly. Text area obviously can not contain buttons, but buttons can be added on top of the text area using JToolBar. And for sure you can develop custom Swing elements extending existing from the JFC library..

Cool. I will research outlook bar.

You should know Swing layout basics to implement such a window using Java. The bane with buttons on the left is so called 'Outlook bar' - there are several ready made solutions to be used. Just Google for it and you will find. And all elements in the window should be layouted accordingly. Text area obviously can not contain buttons, but buttons can be added on top of the text area using JToolBar. And for sure you can develop custom Swing elements extending existing from the JFC library..

I managed to find a project that seems suitable. I can isolate each java file yet It would be better to run it it seems to be packaged correctly but I can not run any of the demos. Could you take a look at it? If you could tell me how to run the demos that would be great

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