i m new to java...i made my first applet...a simple applet to showing "THIS IS MY FIRST APPLET"..but it's not working...i m not able to see it in mozilla firefox and IE7...
plz help..
the code is here...


import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;

public class tryApplet extends java.applet.Applet
Font f=new Font("Garamond",Font.BOLD+Font.ITALIC,30);

public void pain(Graphics g)
g.drawString("THIS IS MY FIRST APPLET....",10,40);


<title>Testing Applet</title>

This is my first Applet<br>

<applet code="tryApplet.class" width=400 height=200>


> public void pain(Graphics g)

I think you meant to type "paint" here instead of pain. :)

Member Avatar for iamthwee

So is your class file in the same directory as your htm file?


thanks...it was a silly mistake..it worked...

well i want to ask one more question ...i m using jCreator for this...if i want to run it using command prompt i have to change the directory to bin folder of jdk everytime i run cmd...

how can i set path for this forever...

ya they are in same folder..

but if they are in different folder can i use
<applet code="E:\rajat\My files\java progs\tryApplet.class"..>

means can i set path in applet tag...

well one more thing i wanna ask
why didnt it give a compile time error...


thanks...it was a silly mistake..it worked...

well i want to ask one more question ...i m using jCreator for this...if i want to run it using command prompt i have to change the directory to bin folder of jdk everytime i run cmd...

how can i set path for this forever...

Add your Java /bin folder to the system path in your environment variables. This is described in more detail here if you need it: http://java.sun.com/javase/6/webnotes/install/jdk/install-windows.html#Environment

well one more thing i wanna ask
why didnt it give a compile time error...

It did not complain because your method was still a valid one - just not the one that you wanted to override. You supplied an new method called pain() and the compiler was just fine with that.


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