
I'm a newbie to this, but I am determined. I wanted to test perl-based functionality on my PC (XPpro) "server." I have installed apache, php, mysql, cgi. All components and connections work except perl to mysql.

It is amazing after reading hundreds of posts on many sites, that apparently DBD::mysql does not run on my platform, in fact cannot not even be installed, and any other suggested replacements really get confusing. People have been troubled and writing about this since 2000, and no one has solved the issue!

Would someone please tell me that I am missing something?

Thanks a lot.

Brian in Saratoga, NY

I have installed apache, php, mysql, cgi

By CGI do you mean perl? I use activestate perl and mysql but on an old Windows98 test server. If the mysql drivers do not work for XPpro I am not sure what you can do.

You could try installing strawberry-perl instead of activestate perl. www.strawberryperl.com in which case you have full access to CPAN instead of having to use PPM repositories to find modules/drivers. I have no idea if that will help solve your dilema though.

By CGI do you mean perl? I use activestate perl and mysql but on an old Windows98 test server. If the mysql drivers do not work for XPpro I am not sure what you can do.

You could try installing strawberry-perl instead of activestate perl. www.strawberryperl.com in which case you have full access to CPAN instead of having to use PPM repositories to find modules/drivers. I have no idea if that will help solve your dilema though.

Kevin, thanks very much for your reply and suggestions.

I did mean perl. PPM apparently used to be text-type command driven, whereas now it has a friendlier GUI, listing all available modules and letting you mark them for installation. DBD-mysql is not listed, and when I researched further, it has apparently not passed their testing. Two other packages are listed: dbd-mysqlite and dbd-mysqlpp (pure perl). I am trying to get the pp version to work, but no luck so far. Have you heard anything about these mods?

If I go the Strawberry route, will dbd::mysql be available for that, and workable?

Again, Kevin, thanks for your time and attention. It is appreciated.

I really have no idea if strawberry perl will help solve your dilema. But it does give you access to more modules.

Read the help files of PPM and learn how to add repositories. You can find more modules that way.

Maybe ask on perlmongers.com where there are more perl people with more knowledge.

I just had to re-install DBD-mysql on my Win2K Pro machine running ActiveState Perl. The PPM listed several modules for DBD-mysql, and I picked a 4.005 version. Runs fine.

One thing: do you use ODBC driver 3.51?

btw, PPM 4 does run in CLI if you pass it arguments.

Thanks for the info on availability of dbd-mysql on the ppm list. I will check that out, then get back to you.
I will also have to check on my ODBC driver, as I'm not sure where that fits in. I'll research.

Thanks again.

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