Using Delphi 6.
Have a program that I have been working on for some weeks. It has one Unit. Recently, I made a modification (code change - what, I don't remember) and now I get the "The Disassembly pane", titled "CPU" to pop up. Lots of hex values, machine code, etc. Spent hours trying to rectify the problem. Not a proficient programmer. The HELP file has lots of words about "CPU" but it's not any help to me. I get the HELP pane by setting focus to the error pane and clicking the F1 key.

Any hints?

Thanks, Vern

You've not given enough information for us to help you.

Try setting some breakpoints and/or stepping through your program. When you have identified the section of code causing the problem, post it and we can go from there.

You've not given enough information for us to help you.

Try setting some breakpoints and/or stepping through your program. When you have identified the section of code causing the problem, post it and we can go from there.

Tks for taking the time to respond. The above suggestions were tried but I was never certain that the cursor position in the code (after responding to the error message) landed at the location of a problem. I could not see any obvious errors. However, I have it cleared up now by putting my buttons that I had on the form onto a TPanel. All was well after that. That doesn't explain the original problem, true, but I won't argue with success at this point.

Impressive forum ! Clean and uncluttered.

Tks Vern

You must have been hit by some neutrinos or something. ;)

Glad you got it sorted out. :)

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