Hi,I am new to VB6.I need to create a similar menu for many forms.My proj has around 8 forms.lets say I need file and edit menus,also have submenus.

Do I need to repeat the code in al the forms or can I declare some coding in a module or something like tat???

Unofrtunately, I believe so. I suppose you could dynamically add menu items in a common subroutine. Each form would have to handle the click events, although here too, you could call a common subroutine to do the actual work. It might be more trouble then its work, tracking which form is doing what. But, having common routines DOES help keep all menus in sync is you have menus with disabled or checked items.

HI Karthic,

using MDI form yiour target can be achieved,

try the MDI form
if u have problem then notify it here

With regards
Venkatramasamy SN

k thanx...illl try....

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