Dim dbnil As Database (not identifying the database name by the APP.Path)
Dim rscustomer As Recordset

Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Text1 = "" Then
MsgBox "please enter ID", vbCritical, "customer"
If Text2 = "" Then
MsgBox "please enter the name", vbCritical, "customer"

customer(" ID") = Text1
customer("name") = Text2
MsgBox "Customer information accepted", vbInformation, "customer"
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
End If
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set dbnil= OpenDatabase(App.Path & "\Customer.mdb")
Set rsCustomer = dbnil.OpenRecordset("Customertable")
MsgBox (test)
End Sub

what exactly your question is???

your code looks absolutely OK.

then what??

the problem is when i try to run the form it gives as user type not defined why is that?

from within your vb6 ide, goto project and then click references. scroll down within the dialog box that appears and select "Microsoft DAO <version no.> Object Library". click ok to accept.

then save ur project and run it. it will execute properly.

let me know if this helps you.


Your suggestion helped me too!

The library was selected but apparently the order of all the selected library was not good; moving it up in the list solved the problem.

Thanks a lot, I was going crazy!!

The library was selected but apparently the order of all the selected library was not good; moving it up in the list solved the problem.

you do not need to explicitly order the reference list. whenever u select some references and click ok, visual basic automatically moves up those selected references and ordered them one by one at top of the list which in result helps to identify the libraries used by the current project.

It's very good to hear a good news from you.
Thanks once again...


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