Hi ,i am creating some file and i need to open an exe file.
Like this ,I creating preface application because installation of the game .
So i need that when Computer finish the installation that he start another exe file who have nothing with my preface application.
I using C win32 .

Another question is, how to select installation folder.? I try to search in MSDN but like always i never find what i want. :(
I using C win32

Thank you for your effort of reading.

You can look for ShellExecute windows API function.

Thank yagiD very much .I just need to test that. When i need it and ti will be mark as solved.

And just another question is now seams like a problem but i am waiting someone who enjoy helping to solving threads.

Thanks for reading this.

One more function(win platform only):

#include <windows.h>
WinExec(filename, SW_SHOW);
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