how can I create a simple script to do this: find the diroctory of iw3mp.exe open iw3mp.exe + connect

how much C or C++ experience do you have? None? Then start at the beginning, buy or borrow an introduction book and start studying from page 1. In 6 months or so you will have enough knowledge to answer that question yourself

I got none (I have created 1 simple program in delphi if you know that delphi is...) but cant you send me the script/code I need it?

Sorry buddy this isn't a sofware warehouse. YOU write the code and we'll help. But you could try googling to see what you can come up with. But be forwarned -- such a program is not easy and requires a solid understanding of C or C++ language to understand. In your case -- forget it.

There is no such thing as simple networking in C++.

You are better off reading the game's documentation (there are command-line options to connect to a specific IP and port).

Once you know how to connect exactly like you want by typing from the command-line (or in the Start->Run box), then make a plain text file with those commands. For example, if you type iw3mp.exe +set net_ip +set net_port 27015 then create a file named something like Call of Duty 4.bat

@echo off
:: Start call of duty 4
iw3mp.exe +set net_ip +set net_port 27015

Now, to start the game, just run the batch file.

Hope this helps.

ok I have a c++ book but it is hard :) read 20 pages and didten understand any thing.

but what program do you type you scrips in? notepad and save file .exe or use a prof program?

>>read 20 pages and didten understand any thing
yes, it takes some studying for that material to sink in. Re-read and do all the questions at the end of each chapter. Practice makes perfect.

There are several free compilers you can use. One is Dev-C++, which is probably the easiest to learn how to use. Another is VC++ 2008 Express, which is more complicated but I think a better compiler. For beginners I would recomment Dev-C++

I know I type here becouse I was making some simple tools and if u know dos I could use some help... I need a code to find the iw3mp.exe auto dos script


cd C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare
start iw3mp.exe + connect

I need to get some dos here that automatically finds the iw3mp.exe folder

>>I need to get some dos here that automatically finds the iw3mp.exe folder
create a command prompt window, cd to the root directory, most likely c:\, then type "dir /s iw3mp.exe".

dir /s iw3mp.exe
start iw3mp.exe + connect

erro message:
Windows cannot find 'iw3mp.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly. to seach a file click start button and then click seach


dir will just tell you where iw3mp.exe is. You have to copy that directory into the next line. Its possible that it isn't even on your computer. I'm using Vista Home Premium and I don't have it in the windows directory.

dir will just tell you where iw3mp.exe is. You have to copy that directory into the next line. Its possible that it isn't even on your computer. I'm using Vista Home Premium and I don't have it in the windows directory.

You can also use the "find" function that pops up from the start button.
Once the file is found, copy/paste the full path of the file to whatever script you are using.

If find can't find it, then it's not on your machine.

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