hi, I would like to know how to program a PIC16F877 microcontroller. I am using this microcontroller with a LCD so I would like to send data to the LCD. I have connected my microcontroller to a Bluetooth module which is connected to my PC via Bluetooth dongle so I am sending data from my PC to Bluetooth module then by using the microcontroller I am displaying it on the LCD. If eny1 can help I will appriciate it as I dnt really know how to program a PIC16F877 microcontroller. If eny1 can show me the commands and functions of them it will be nice. Thanx in advance

I would like to know how to program a PIC16F877 microcontroller

I recommand you to learn PIC16F84 like microcontroller first before you going into the PIC16F877 . Beacuse you can easily find a programmer . I mean make a programmer . It will only costs at 75 ruppies .here is the website that you can find the information about making the programmer and find the software for it .


I recommand you to make the JDM programmer for PIC16F84A before you are going to program PIC16F877 , and then you underestand what are the programming pins that are going from your programmer to the pic , then you can connect it to the PIC16F877 ,
the circuit digram for your programmer is : http://www.ic-prog.com/jdmprog.gif
and the software is normal ic-prog software , this is a really good starting point .

anyway ,
have connected my microcontroller to a Bluetooth module which is connected to my PC via Bluetooth dongle so I am sending data from my PC to Bluetooth module then by using the microcontroller I am displaying it on the LCD. If eny1 can help I will appriciate it as I dnt really know how to program a PIC16F877 microcontroller. If eny1 can show me the commands and functions of them it will be nice
It looks like that your using a learning kit . Learning kits are only adveresting exercises don't buy them . Underestand what's going beyond the screen and try to hack it and dig it .
learning kits are only wasting your money and you really cannot learn something from it . So you are going to make your own programmer and don't worry to connect it to your computer if you are correctly assemble it . I heard no-one who damage his/her hardware from this programmer experiments . Be free ! First time I assemble it wrongly . and it did not works and does not damage my computer hardware also However but I cannot guranttee , 99.9999999% it will not damage your hardware . So please be straight to make your own programmer .

Start with PIC16F84A . you can find the datasheet form the www.microchip.com . Don't try to read the manual first . First you make a circuit that blink a led . use a breadbord instead of a learning kit . bread-bord is more less cost than it ! .you can find a good first experiment here ,
please note that this article is not mine ok , anyway you can use it .Try to write the first
you just can write it in a text file or you can use a MPLAB form the microchip web site .the above tells you to download MPASM the microchip assembler only , but you can download the whole IDE once , things are easy with best tools and these tools are free ! then use it .

instead of the free leagal web articles there are more illeagal things that you can find free . But sorry friend, i cannot include them here , but if you smart you can find them ! good luck

commented: Don't use TEX (i.e. LaTeX) tags for quoting text. Use quote tags. -2

thanz for ur comment i do know sum of the stuff but let me tell u dat its nt a starter hardware I am making it by myself i just want sum help in programming the PIC16F877A microcontroller which can take the data from the Bluetooth module and display it on the LCD display if there is an example may b u can give it 2 me will be helpful thanz man for all the info u gave me I really appriciate it thanx

thanz for ur comment i do know sum of the stuff but let me tell u dat its nt a starter hardware I am making it by myself i just want sum help in programming the PIC16F877A microcontroller which can take the data from the Bluetooth module and display it on the LCD display if there is an example may b u can give it 2 me will be helpful thanz man for all the info u gave me I really appriciate it thanx

Well i differ from the above opinion. It is true that the real knowldede comes through knowing whats going on behind the scene. But for strater kits i would recomend you the one if you are starter in microcontroller. Becuase it can save your lots of time and you can foucus more on learing how to develope application. The hardware development is not a big issue when you firs learn how to develop applications using microcontrollers.

For communication with blutooth. you also need to by bluetooth kit with RS232 interface. YOu can not directly attach your bluetooth dongle to PIC microcontroller easilly therefore you have to have some solution like TDK's blue2i kit.

Adnan -dani

I'd be more inclined to recommend a simulator like Isis from Labcenter myself, since it supports numerous microcontrollers and components which you can wire whatever way you choose.

plz send me some pic16F877 program on my mail ID : [email]snipped[/email]

commented: Useless bump and "send to my email address" -4

how to count 9999 using tmr0 on the pic16f877

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