how can i prove that a number is an integer in python?

for Ex.

x = 10
print x
print type (x)

it should show you that x ia 10 and its interger "<type 'int'>".

but how can i prove for example that the result of sqrt(n) is an integer?

The function sqrt(x) returns a float:

import math

x = 9
y = math.sqrt(x)

print y, type(y)  # 3.0 <type 'float'>

If you want the result to be an integer use int(y).

You can also use isinstance() method to check whether an object is an instance or type of a class[everything in Python is an object]

>>> v=9
>>> if isinstance(v, int):
	print 'int'


but how can i prove for example that the result of sqrt(n) is an integer?

You can do this (maybe is there more elegant way)

if math.sqrt(n) == float(int(math.sqrt(n))):
    print "sqrt(n) is an integer"
commented: nice work +7

thank you all for your help... especially jice;)


if math.sqrt(n) % 1 == 0:
   print "integer square root!"
   print "not."

does anybody knows why this function doesn´t work very well:

f=lambda n: reduce(lambda x,y:x**2+y**2, map(int,str(n)))

I want that this function add the square of the digits of a number

an example of what i want:


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hello all,

can some suggest me if i need to fire http request multiple times in python

can some one suggest me below
If i need to fire http request multiple times in python.Please suggest me steps as i am new to python

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