hi every body dis is debangan bhattacharyya 4th yr IT student of WBUT...we have project in our final sem...Currently working on a mobile communication based messaging framework for automating job/class/workflow information scheduling using an open standerd based technology
I have to write code in python as my instructor has told...But I dont know anything about this language...so please tell me how much time will need to learn dis language to compete my project???

One day to learn the basics of Python.
One week to get to know the modules you need.

Thanx[:)]...Can u pIz provide the metiriaI 4m wheer I can Iearn python within 7 days..bbye

Thanx[:)]...Can u pIz provide the metiriaI 4m wheer I can Iearn python within 7 days..bbye

I think Google will be your friend. They use a lot of Python themselves. That's where I would look first.

By the way, what kind of language are you speaking, I know it's not English.

actuaIIy dere is sm prb in ma keybrd....so m using I for d next Ietter of k.

Hahaha. That's funny. You can always just use character map.

I also recommend the book by O'Reilly publishing for learning Python.

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