I am writing simple Python modules and when running one containing errors in the script the console window that displays the error just flashes up for a split second and disapears. Is there any way to keep this window shown?

I am working on Windows XP in the Eclipse environment using PyDev. I have tried Boa Constructor with the same issue there.

Thanks in advance -- Andrew

Use something like the DrPython IDE, that one has its own output window. Also editors like ConText have option that allow you to keep the cmd window open.

Also, if you work with wxPython Gui Toolkit you need to use False in this line:
app = wx.App(False)
This way the error actually shows up in the cmd window or editor's designated display window.

The default is True and the error shows up (flickers up) in small window created by wxPython.

Also, if you work with wxPython Gui Toolkit you need to use False in this line:
app = wx.App(False)

This did the trick, thanks! -- Andrew

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