
(I am using Windows XP)

I would like to know how you can use the function SetFileAttributes to hide a file or folder, I would also like to know about the declarations associated with this function. I would like to use this to develop a program that hides program files that should be kept out of sight in order to prevent them deleting any important files. Is it possible to run this function on the users computer?

Thank you.

> ... develop a program that hides program files that should be kept out of sight in order to prevent them deleting any important files.
what right do you have to try to prevent users from deleting files on *their* computers?
to protect users from accidental deletion or overwrite, set the read only attribute.


(I am using Windows XP)

I would like to know how you can use the function SetFileAttributes to hide a file or folder, I would also like to know about the declarations associated with this function. I would like to use this to develop a program that hides program files that should be kept out of sight in order to prevent them deleting any important files. Is it possible to run this function on the users computer?

Thank you.


BOOL SetFileAttributes(LPCTSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwFileAttributes);

dwFileAttributes can take these parametres:

FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE//don't change this attribute

Return value is not 0, 0 is an error.

Also see a function GetFileAttributes.

I get the error main must return int, what I am doing wrong?

Type your code.

Your main() is not returning an int, maybe nothing at all or something else, so ..

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    // your code here

    // return some integer value, in this case zero ...
    return 0;
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