Hi guys :)
Well I have this project in which we have to build an application that tack the instructors names, the sections, the rooms, and the classes times to generate a schedule for the next semester. But am really new in this field and I have been searching for the right algorithm to use. my instructor told me to read about scheduling algorithms but I couldn’t find useful information about it.:confused:
Please help me If you have any idea about this, or if you have experience in these type of programs.:-/

Hi guys :)
Well I have this project in which we have to build an application that tack the instructors names, the sections, the rooms, and the classes times to generate a schedule for the next semester. But am really new in this field and I have been searching for the right algorithm to use. my instructor told me to read about scheduling algorithms but I couldn’t find useful information about it.:confused:
Please help me If you have any idea about this, or if you have experience in these type of programs.:-/

Well you said the word "algorithm" in there, so what exactly do you need to figure out? If you have the instructors' names, the sections, the rooms, and the class times, what are you figuring out? Sounds like the schedule has already been scheduled. Or do you already know all the data and there is nothing to figure out mathematically and something else is the problem?

Usually if it's a scheduling algorithm, you have a limited number of rooms, limited availability of professors' times, a bunch of classes to schedule, and you have to pick times, rooms, and professors so everything fits together and works, so you'll have a bunch of constraints. You haven't listed any constraints, so I don't have any idea how to try to tackle the problem mathematically or even whether it is a mathematical problem.

The question of algorithm comes after you figure out the problem. Appears to me you don't know what the problem is.

and you have to pick times, rooms, and professors so everything fits together and works, so you'll have a bunch of constraints. You haven't listed any constraints, so I don't have any idea how to try to tackle the problem mathematically or even whether it is a mathematical problem.

first thanks for replying^^...
well I have no idea how to distribute the classes, I mean each instructor will have for example 4 section, but they shouldn't be in the same time or in a room that is already assigned to another section at the same time.
I just wanna know how to solve those kind of conflict when they appear and there might be a limited number of rooms so the system will have to delay some courses to the next semester

Algorithm is rhythmic approach to a problem. So your say, machine should have capability to schedule a task rhythmically. Definition is more abstract I guess but clear I suppose.

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