Hello there!

I was asked to replace the bitmaps in an existing software.
The software was compiled using Visual C++ 8.

Do you guys have any idea how to go about this?


use a program such as Paint to draw new bitmaps then recompile the program ???

If you don't have the source for the program, you can use something like resource hacker to replace them(works for icons and sounds too).

My thoughts exactly. Resource Hacker is a great little utility.

You should be aware, however, that playing around with another program's resources is not always safe. Well-written programs will handle changes gracefully, but those that make assumptions about their resource data may fail.

When you modify the bitmap, try to keep the same bitdepth and compression method (if any).

Good luck!

use a program such as Paint to draw new bitmaps then recompile the program ???

I wish it's that easy but that means I have to disassemble it and what I'll have is an ASM. Which I have no inkling as to how it works. And then I have to translate it to C++ or Java and then compile. Unless of course there is a software out there that can translate it from assemble to C++, but I doubt it. But hey thanks.

If you don't have the source for the program, you can use something like resource hacker to replace them(works for icons and sounds too).

My thoughts exactly. Resource Hacker is a great little utility.

You should be aware, however, that playing around with another program's resources is not always safe. Well-written programs will handle changes gracefully, but those that make assumptions about their resource data may fail.

When you modify the bitmap, try to keep the same bitdepth and compression method (if any).

Good luck!

Thanks you both. I'll try Resource Hacker. And I'll keep that in mind Duoas.


I did it. Thanks you guys.

There are also other softwares but this one is great.

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