Hey, I've never done any programming in my life and would greatly appreciate some help :)
I have to create a windows application where there are 3 text boxes in which you enter assignment scores (numerical) and then click on a button that adds the 3 scores together and displays the total in a label on the same application. When you click the button it also has to give a grade in another label underneath the 'totalscorelabel', such as 'High distinction' if the scores above 20 or so.... I know the second part uses an ifstatement except im not quite sure how to use them... :S

Thank you so much for any help!

specify more your problem and condition :
- you didn't give a condition for the result. how the result can show "High Distinction" (<20) or other result (> 20 = "?", > 50 = "?" ).
- how far you was tried??
"We only give homework help to those who show effort"
try to write code with this pseudo code :

on button click event 
pseudo code :
labelTotal = val(text1.text) + val(text2.text) + val(text3.text)
if labelTotal.text < 20 then 
   Result.text = "High Distinction"
else if labelTotal.text > 20 and labelTotal < ??? then 
   Result.text = "????" 
.... etc..etc
End if
end of button event

i know you can do this Friend :)

Hey, I've never done any programming in my life and would greatly appreciate some help :)
I have to create a windows application where there are 3 text boxes in which you enter assignment scores (numerical) and then click on a button that adds the 3 scores together and displays the total in a label on the same application. When you click the button it also has to give a grade in another label underneath the 'totalscorelabel', such as 'High distinction' if the scores above 20 or so.... I know the second part uses an ifstatement except im not quite sure how to use them... :S

Thank you so much for any help!

Hey Guys, Sorry for not being very specific... I figured out the addition code just before your post Jx_Man...But thank you still. I had it almost right, i just didn't have 'val' before each textbox... I'm having trouble with the If statements because theres multiple conditions:
Awarded to any student who scores either
-a total score less than 15
- less than 5 in two or more assignments
o High Distinction:
Awarded to any student who has both
- A total score greater or equal to than 23
-Not scored less than 5 in any assignment
o Pass:
- Anyone who has not scored a Fail or High Distinction

Heres what i have in my disasterous If Statement:

NOTE: label6 = Total Label7 = Result

If Label6.Text >= 23 And TextBox1.Text Or TextBox2.Text Or TextBox3.Text = 5< Then Label7.Text = "High Distinction"
Else If Label6.Text 15< Or 'Less than five in two assignments --> Have no idea!!!'
Then Label7.Text = "Fail"
Else If Label7.Text = "Pass"

Awarded to any student who scores either
-a total score less than 15
- less than 5 in two or more assignments
o High Distinction:
Awarded to any student who has both
- A total score greater or equal to than 23
- Not scored less than 5 in any assignment
o Pass:
- Anyone who has not scored a Fail or High Distinction

i confused with your if statment !!!
this a condition if not wrong :
* Fail
- TotalScore < 15
- (Ass1 + Ass2) < 5 or (Ass1 + Ass3) < 5 or (Ass2 + Ass3) < 5 or (Ass1 + Ass2 + Ass3) < 5

* High Distinction
- TotalScore > 23 --> it could be 24,70, 100 or greater
- Ass1 or Ass2 or Ass3 > 5

* Pass
- Anyone who has not scored a Fail or High Distinction???
how it could be??not scored a Fail or High Distinction??
- in condition of High Distinction, TotalScore > 23 (-> 24, 50, 70, 100 ... and greater than 23) so what a condition for pass? whether who get HighCondition is pass?

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