I realize that kprint takes a pointer as a parameter. I don't understand how it loops through each character when you do something like kprint("HELLO WORLD"); Can you really just increment *s to get to the next char like:

char c = *s;

it is so simple

see the code below. I am not whether the orginal code is like this. But may be it is similier to the following code.

kprint(char * s){
    char *str=s; 

I doubt you since you are a n00b. ^

I doubt you since you are a n00b. ^

A simple "Thank you!" would have suffice.

I suck at text sarcasm.

I doubt you since you are a n00b. ^

Low post count says nothing about knowledge.

Also see this thread.

I suck at text sarcasm.

Mee too :)

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