how to print output in the text format?

A little more information, please. What are you trying to output? Do you have particular formatting requirements (spaces, decimal precision, etc.)?

Please show the code you have so far, and tell us what you are having trouble with, in a more specific manner. Then we will be able to give you appropriate help.

I have one programming and want to compile the output, but the output appear in c++, My objective is i want the output appear in notepad.

The output of C++ programs is in text format by default.

A little more information, please. What are you trying to output? Do you have particular formatting requirements (spaces, decimal precision, etc.)?

Please show the code you have so far, and tell us what you are having trouble with, in a more specific manner. Then we will be able to give you appropriate help.

If you've been following his 142 posts you'd realize he never asks a coherent question the first 2 or 3 posts in a thread, expects us to read his mind about his problem, and rarely if ever posts code. He just doesn't understand yet how to ask a question.

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