Hi all,

I would like to ask some questions.
One is I am facing file missing problem after removing the VB installer. Eg: 'COMCT232.OCX', 'MSCOMCT2.OCX' OR 'MSSTDFMT.DLL'. I don't know how to solve that problem. When I run exe File, it will show a message like above file aren't registered. If I close the message box, the application will be automatically closed.
My friend give me some suggestions. After finishing my project, you can do it as the package file. If so, some file will not be lost. But, I don't know how to do it. Is there anyone to explain about the package file?

Best Regards,

use packaging and deployment in visual studio tools.

try using Innot Setup for Packaging, The good thing about it it is easy to use and its completely free..

Hi Jx,

I have already tried with 'Package and Deployment Wizard' as you told me. After creating that, I saw a package folder that is including some related files and setup file.
If I execute the exe file in another file, will i need to install or setup file first before I start to run my program?


yes...some related file which it included in package folder will register after you instal it.

Hi Jx,

Thank you for giving a hand to me.

Now, I solve the problem.


you're welcome.
don' forget to mark this thread solved :)

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