im using crystal reports 11 in my vb project.. (vb 6.0) as i cudnt find the crystal report control in the project -.> components, i went to project -> references and tried to browse and show where the OCX file is.. it got added to the library list.. but when i say OK to the references.., it gives me the following error
"name conflicts with existing module, project or object library"
what does this mean ? cant i use crystal rpt 11 at all with vb 6.0 ?

when i go to project- > components and tried to add this activeX object, it says it cannot be a registrable component .. i cant understand the reason
plz help me with this..

first of all there is no crystal report control available with crystal report 11 library. you have to use the new one crystal report viewer to fire up your reports from your vb6 application.

to use the crystal report viewer in your project, you need to make a full installation of crystal report 11.0 software. only copying the activex component to your system directory will not do the job.

after installing the software goto project->componets and there you will found crystal report viewer control. add this to your project.

now for the coding purpose, you should know the syntax for firing a report in crystal report 11 is completely diff. than its earlier versions. as it is built to support .net framework it doesn't support previous methods/properties of the previous crstl32.ocx any more. to get some sample coding make searching in google. you will easily find some.


thank you for ur reply .
what do you mean by compete version ? i had only 2 choices while instaling. typical and custom
i chose "custom"

but its stil the same
than i installed version 10
stil i cant find the crystal report control in project -> components

what can i do for this

Hi DragonHeart,

While Installing CR11, you need to Install with the Developer Key not the designer/liscence key..
and there is no Report Control, You have a Report Viewer here.
You need to add a CRViewer Control on the form, Prepare a report and View it..

Dim CrApp As New CRAXDDRT.Application
Dim MRpt As New CRAXDDRT.Report                       CrApp.OpenReport("C:\MyReport.rpt")               CrystalActiveXReportViewer1.ReportSource = MRpt            CrystalActiveXReportViewer1.ViewReport


thank you dear.. thank u very much .. u saved me :)

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