any one help me to format datareport's page footer section start from fix perticular line and endig with pag break


Not sure, wht you are trying to do here..?
You can simply Increase the Footer section to whatever size you want...


i want to create invoice wich will print on my pre printed stationery in this case details section have 1 product details or more then 5 producs details i want to print page footer or group footer form perticular fixed row how to do ????????? what to do ????????? please help me


Aligning with DatReport is a bit Problematic.. Why dont you try CR. Its very easy to set Pre-Printed stationery with CR . CR any version, even CR4.6 is easy to design..


i try it on cr 4.6.1 only one problem is there i cant draw multipal line address field andwhene i select multiple line option then leble of next line (i.e. challan no should print in next line of invoice no ) gose below

my formate is :
Party's name inv.no dt.
address of party chalan no dt.

thanks for reply
pls help me out from this problem


Yes, you can allow Multiple Line. Right-Click on the Text Object or Field Object and goto menu "Change Formt", Check the option "print On Multiple lines" and save the report..


If np1 = 0 Then
texver = "Original Copy"
Open "c:\inv0.rep" For Output As #1 ' Open file for output
End If
If np1 = 1 Then
texver = "Duplicate Copy"
Open "d:\inv1.rep" For Output As #1 ' Open file for output
End If
If np1 = 2 Then
texver = "Triplicate Copy"
Open "c:\package industries\inv2.rep" For Output As #1 ' Open file for output
End If
If np1 = 3 Then
texver = "Duplicate Copy"
Open "f:\inv3.rep" For Output As #1 ' Open file for output
End If

Qu. First time np1=0 then text files create second time the np1=np1+1 so the text file cannot open to save...?

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