Hey guys, This is what im trying to achieve:
Add the code that
• Calculates the total amount (Price * Qty)
• Then apply the following discounts:
• Total is < 20 0% discount
• Total in the range 20-49.99 10% discount
• Total is >50 20% discount
• Subtract the discount from the total
• Finally, display the discounted total amount

And heres what i have so far: I can't go any further cos i'm stuck with absolutely no idea what to do! I would greatly appreciate any help that's given to me... Thanks guys

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim vPrice As Decimal
Dim vQty As Integer
Dim vTotal As Decimal

vPrice = Val(InputBox("Enter a price"))
vQty = Val(InputBox("Enter a qty"))
vTotal = Val(vPrice * vQty)

If vTotal < 20 Then
vTotal = vTotal
ElseIf vTotal >= 20 And vTotal < 49.99 Then
vTotal = Val(vTotal) * Val(1.1)
ElseIf vTotal > 50 Then
vTotal = Val(vTotal) * Val(1.2)
End If
MessageBox.Show("Toal is " & vTotal)
End Sub

Dim vPrice As Decimal
        Dim vQty As Integer
        Dim vTotal As Decimal
        Dim vDiscount As Decimal
        Dim vFinal As Decimal

        vPrice = Val(InputBox("Enter a price"))
        vQty = Val(InputBox("Enter a qty"))
        vTotal = Val(vPrice * vQty)

        If vTotal < 20 Then
            vDiscount = vTotal
            vFinal = vDiscount
        ElseIf vTotal >= 20 And vTotal < 49.99 Then
            vDiscount = Val(vTotal) * 0.1
            vFinal = (Val(vTotal) - Val(vDiscount))
        ElseIf vTotal > 50 Then
            vDiscount = Val(vTotal) * 0.2
            vFinal = (Val(vTotal) - Val(vDiscount))
        End If
        MessageBox.Show("Final Price is " & vFinal)

End If
MessageBox.Show("Toal is " & vTotal)
End Sub

You havent even tried spell checking! Go read the books before you post your homework.

You havent even tried spell checking! Go read the books before you post your homework.

don't added other problem. its just a little mistaken in spell.
ok. happy coding :)

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