I am currently attempting to program my first game in C++ using Microsoft Visual Studios Express 2005. After doing some research, I found that it is missing several packages including the one that I need (windows.h). That's free software for ya.

Anyways, I was having trouble finding a way to add it to my library and was wondering if anyone could point me in a direction that gives step by step directions.

I am also looking into buying new software.... any recommendations?

Thanks for the input everyone.

Are you sure that if you just start a new Win32 application and add '#include<windows.h>' to the start of it that it wont find it ?

download VC++ 2008 Express and that problem will be solved. With the 2005 version you also have to download the Windows Platform SDK, which is pretty large. And it is somewhat complicated to set that compiler up so that it will compiler windows programs. Microsoft fixed those problems with 2008.

Yeah, I was trying to avoid downloading the SDK.... is there a free version of 2008, or am i going to have to end up buying it.

(I would look myself, but I'm at work and almost everything is blocked except Daniweb, luckily enough)

2008 is free from here

>>I would look myself, but I'm at work and almost everything is blocked except Daniweb, luckily enough
If this is for your job then they will have to unblock you.

commented: Awesome job... as always +1

there is an Express version of 2008, yeah.

Awesome man... thanks again.... You are always so helpful.

express doesnt include MFC or ATL btw, or any form of resource editing.

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