this is my assignment

and i also have tried to do this assignment and could not further proceed.
please help.
i will be very glad to here from you.


If something isn't working and you donno why, please specify. If you donno how to handle some part of the assignment please specify.
We can't do the assignement for you.

Student Name: Bhupendra Valji Patel
Student Number: 16273450
Date & Time: 30th March 2008
File Name: prob1_16273450.ccp

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std;

int main ()
    // Declared Variables.
       int choice;
       ifstream inputFile; 
       if (!inputFile)
       cout << "Error opening file.\n";
       // These are my details.
cout << "******************************************************* \n" << endl;

			cout << "Name: Bhupendra Valji Patel\n\n";
			cout << "Student number: 16273450\n\n";
			cout << "Date: 30/03/08\n\n";
			cout << "File name: assignment2_16273450\n\n";

cout << "******************************************************* \n\n" << endl;

// Theses are the 5 choices that are available to the user. 
	cout << " Program that can be used by a small theatre to sell tickets for performance.\n\n\n ";
		 cout << " 1. View Available Seats\n ";
				cout << " 2. View Seating Prices\n ";
						cout << " 3. View Ticket Sales\n ";
								cout << " 4. Purchase a Ticket\n ";
										cout << " 5. Exit the Program\n ";
												cout << " \n Enter your choice (1-5): \n\n";
    cin  >> choice;

    // This will make the executable file background Green with blue font.
    system ("COLOR 8");
// This is a while loop which takes care of ivalid inputs.
	while ( choice < 1 || choice > 5)
		cin  >> choice;
    //  This is choice one using an if statement.
    if( choice ==1 )

    cout << "\n\t\tSeats";
    cout << " \n\t123456789012345678901234567890\n\n";
    cout << "Row 1\t##############################\n";
    cout << "Row 2\t#############***##############\n";
    cout << "Row 3\t###########**###**############\n";
    cout << "Row 4\t#########**#######**##########\n";
    cout << "Row 5\t########*###########*#########\n";
    cout << "Row 6\t########*##*#####*##*#########\n";
    cout << "Row 7\t#######*#############*########\n";
    cout << "Row 8\t#######*#############*########\n";
    cout << "Row 9\t########*###*###*###*#########\n";
    cout << "Row 10\t########*####***####*#########\n";
    cout << "Row 11\t#########**#######**##########\n";
    cout << "Row 12\t###########**###**############\n";
    cout << "Row 13\t#############***##############\n";
    cout << "Row 14\t##############################\n";
    cout << "Row 15\t##############################\n";
    cout << "\n\tLegend: * = Sold";
    cout << "\n\t\t# = Available\n\n";

	// This is the choice two using an if statement.

    if( choice ==2 )
    cout << "\nRow 1 =  $40\n";
		cout << "Row 2 =  $40\n";
			cout << "Row 3 =  $35\n";
				cout << "Row 4 =  $35\n";
					 cout << "Row 5 =  $30\n";
						  cout << "Row 6 =  $25\n";
							 cout << "Row 7 =  $25\n";
						 cout << "Row 8 =  $10.50\n";
					  cout << "Row 9 =  $10.50\n";
					cout << "Row 10 = $10.50\n";
				 cout << "Row 11 = $10.50\n";
			  cout << "Row 12 = $10.50\n";
		  cout << "Row 13 = $10.50\n";
		cout << "Row 14 = $10.50\n";
	cout << "Row 15 = $10.50\n\n";

	ofstream outputFile;"C:\\temp\\RowPrices.txt");
outputFile << "RowPrices\n";
outputFile << "\nRow 1 =  $40\n";
		outputFile << "Row 2 =  $40\n";
			outputFile << "Row 3 =  $35\n";
				outputFile << "Row 4 =  $35\n";
					 outputFile << "Row 5 =  $30\n";
						  outputFile << "Row 6 =  $25\n";
							 outputFile << "Row 7 =  $25\n";
						 outputFile << "Row 8 =  $10.50\n";
					  outputFile << "Row 9 =  $10.50\n";
					outputFile << "Row 10 = $10.50\n";
				 outputFile << "Row 11 = $10.50\n";
			  outputFile << "Row 12 = $10.50\n";
		  outputFile << "Row 13 = $10.50\n";
		outputFile << "Row 14 = $10.50\n";
	outputFile << "Row 15 = $10.50\n\n";


	// This is the choice two using an if statement.

    if( choice ==2 )


	// This is the choice three using an if statement.

    if( choice ==3 )

	return 0;
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