hey friends i am in dilemma of which compiler to use..
i have been working on windows OS.
also the C++ concepts that we are taught in our college are practically taught on Borland Turbo C++ compiler (dunno how aged it it :P) :(
i mean we people write the codes in Turbo C++ compiler which i think has been discarded since ages.
Now just hell with the college...i want to know whether to stick to this buggy compiler or to start working on other compilers like GNU's GCC ?
Also which one is the best compiler?
And what has VC++ to do with this? i mean it has GUI interface..anything else?
thanx for any help you people provide :)

code::blocks uses MinGW, which is GCC underneath.
And gcc is a very good compiler, one of the best in the price range.

The -ansi option is good for making sure you actually learn about standard C++, and not a bunch of compiler specific extensions.

code::blocks uses MinGW, which is GCC underneath.
And gcc is a very good compiler, one of the best in the price range.

The -ansi option is good for making sure you actually learn about standard C++, and not a bunch of compiler specific extensions.

yaaa..okkk..got it...code::blocks is an IDE..using GCC compiler...i mean underneath GCC..
am i right?? :)
okk...bro...thnx for this...i am thinking to try this code::blocks...and then might move towards visual C++ ... :)

commented: You've got it! +16
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