OK, I'm under major time constraint and having difficulty understanding some issues in my current C++ class. I have an assignment which is maybe 20% done and no assistance is available. The final and assignment due date are SOON. So what I'm offering is maybe phone/chat assistance and I'll pay for the time it takes. So no I'm not asking for someone to do it.. (flamers can already get that out of your head). I'm not an older student not a 20 year old kid.

My assignment is basically a version of the animal game. recursive tree, info is pulled via txt file into the tree, if info not in tree, option is given to add question/answer and extend tree. Class file is already done, the issue mostly comes with working w/ the tree itself. Motion must be done in *2 or *2+1 for left/right (yes/no).

I figured maybe I could find a semi young experienced programmer w/ some time on their hands to step me through some of my stumbling blocks. I'd end up w/ 50 posts on this board. Don't flame, if you're not of assistance why waste your keystrokes.

>>I figured maybe I could find a semi young experienced programmer w/ some time on their hands...

Good luck

>>to step me through some of my stumbling blocks

The board policy is to help/encourage but not do and our advice is offered publicly, not privately. After all, if I steer you down the wrong path you want someone else to have the opportunity to correct the situation, right?

>>Don't flame

Good advice.

The board policy is to help/encourage but not do and our advice is offered publicly, not privately. After all, if I steer you down the wrong path you want someone else to have the opportunity to correct the situation, right?

eBay is a public place also .. then the transaction becomes person to person. Yes public forum, but not offered privately. I wasn't aware that DaniWeb has a staff of paid programmers to post under contractual terms to only help publicly (I guess it's possible though, I'm rarely on this site). I would think someone with a couple years of C++ experience would have a pretty simple time. That's why I posted the exact situation. I anticipated this exact reply, except much more insulting.

eBay is a public place also .. then the transaction becomes person to person. Yes public forum, but not offered privately. I wasn't aware that DaniWeb has a staff of paid programmers to post under contractual terms to only help publicly (I guess it's possible though, I'm rarely on this site). I would think someone with a couple years of C++ experience would have a pretty simple time. That's why I posted the exact situation. I anticipated this exact reply, except much more insulting.

This might be a better forum:

The advice given in the Software Development Forum is given for free (if it isn't, someone owes me a lot of money) and most of us aren't on the Daniweb staff. The link above is the "Looking To Hire" forum. Not sure if that forum'll work any better for you, but I doubt you'll get flamed there. I think it's considered fine to PM back and forth privately in that forum.

This might be a better forum:

The advice given in the Software Development Forum is given for free (if it isn't, someone owes me a lot of money) and most of us aren't on the Daniweb staff. The link above is the "Looking To Hire" forum. Not sure if that forum'll work any better for you, but I doubt you'll get flamed there. I think it's considered fine to PM back and forth privately in that forum.

sounds good.. thank you very much for the link

OK, I'm under major time constraint and having difficulty understanding some issues in my current C++ class. I have an assignment which is maybe 20% done and no assistance is available. The final and assignment due date are SOON. So what I'm offering is maybe phone/chat assistance and I'll pay for the time it takes. So no I'm not asking for someone to do it.. (flamers can already get that out of your head). I'm not an older student not a 20 year old kid.

My assignment is basically a version of the animal game. recursive tree, info is pulled via txt file into the tree, if info not in tree, option is given to add question/answer and extend tree. Class file is already done, the issue mostly comes with working w/ the tree itself. Motion must be done in *2 or *2+1 for left/right (yes/no).

I figured maybe I could find a semi young experienced programmer w/ some time on their hands to step me through some of my stumbling blocks. I'd end up w/ 50 posts on this board. Don't flame, if you're not of assistance why waste your keystrokes.

Is it a command line game or you are using VC ++ ?

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