I have several files and am receiving errors message when compiling and would appreciate any help. Thank you in advance.

Model class file:

class Model extends Product5

	String genre; //add product to product inventory
	double restockFee; //fee for restocking
	//initialize constructor
	public Model( String genre, String name, int identificationNumber, String printerName, String productNumber, double unitsInStock, double unitPriceInDollars, double restockFee )
		super(name, identificationNumber, printerName, productNumber, unitsInStock, unitPriceInDollars);
		this.genre = genre;
		this.restockFee = 0.05;
	public void setgenre(String genre)
        genre = genre;

    public String getgenre()
        return genre;

	 public double getRestockFee()//calculats restocking fees
	 	return super.getInventoryValue() * restockFee;
	 public double getInventoryValue() //total inventory of all products
	 	return super.getInventoryValue() + (super.get.InventoryValue() * restockFee);
	 public String toString()
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("\ngenre: ").append(genre).append("\n");

        return sb.toString();

}//End Model Class

Model Class receives the following errors:

----jGRASP exec: javac -g C:\Java\New Folder\Model.java

Model.java:15: cannot find symbol
symbol  : constructor Product5(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,double,double)
location: class Product5
		super(name, identificationNumber, printerName, productNumber, unitsInStock, unitPriceInDollars);
Model.java:32: cannot find symbol
symbol  : method getInventoryValue()
location: class Product5
	 	return super.getInventoryValue() * restockFee;
Model.java:37: cannot find symbol
symbol  : method getInventoryValue()
location: class Product5
	 	return super.getInventoryValue() + (super.get.InventoryValue() * restockFee);
Model.java:37: cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable get
location: class Product5
	 	return super.getInventoryValue() + (super.get.InventoryValue() * restockFee);
Model.java:37: operator + cannot be applied to Product5.getInventoryValue,double
	 	return super.getInventoryValue() + (super.get.InventoryValue() * restockFee);
Model.java:37: incompatible types
found   : <nulltype>
required: double
	 	return super.getInventoryValue() + (super.get.InventoryValue() * restockFee);
6 errors

 ----jGRASP wedge2: exit code for process is 1.
 ----jGRASP: operation complete.

Inventory5 file:

class Inventory5

	Product5[] inventory; //stores inventory products
	int number_of_products_in_inventory = 0; //stores number of inventory
	public Inventory5( int maximum_number_of_products )
		inventory = new Product5[maximum_number_of_products];
	public void addProduct5( Inventory5_adds_products_to_inventory )
		inventory[number_of_products_in_inventory] = Inventory5_adds_products_to_inventory;
	public Inventory5 getProduct5( int index )
		return inventory[index];
	public int getSize()
		return number_of_products_in_inventory;
	public double getTotalValueOfAllInventory()
		double totalValue = 0.00;
		for(int i = 0; i < number_of_products_in_inventory; i++)
			totalValue += inventory[i].getInventoryValue();
		return totalValue;
		public void sortProduct5()//sorts product inventory by name
			//sorts inventory information
			for(int j = 0; < number_of_products_in_inventory - 1; j++) 	
			for(int k = 0; k < number_of_products_in_inventory - 1; k++)	
				if(inventory[k].getName().compareToIgnoreCase(inventory[k+1].getName()) > 0)
					Product5 temp = inventory[k];
		            inventory[k] = inventory[k+1];
		            inventory[k+1] = temp;
}//Ends Inventory5 class

Inventory5 receives the following errors:

----jGRASP exec: javac -g C:\Java\New Folder\Inventory5.java

Inventory5.java:18: <identifier> expected
	public void addProduct5( Inventory5_adds_products_to_inventory )
Inventory5.java:48: > expected
			for(int j = 0; < number_of_products_in_inventory - 1; j++) 	
Inventory5.java:48: illegal start of expression
			for(int j = 0; < number_of_products_in_inventory - 1; j++) 	
Inventory5.java:48: ';' expected
			for(int j = 0; < number_of_products_in_inventory - 1; j++) 	
Inventory5.java:48: illegal start of expression
			for(int j = 0; < number_of_products_in_inventory - 1; j++) 	
Inventory5.java:48: ')' expected
			for(int j = 0; < number_of_products_in_inventory - 1; j++) 	
Inventory5.java:48: illegal start of expression
			for(int j = 0; < number_of_products_in_inventory - 1; j++) 	
7 errors

 ----jGRASP wedge2: exit code for process is 1.
 ----jGRASP: operation complete.

Product5 class file: This one compiles without any errors

class Product5

     String name;               //Product name
	  String printerName;        //Printer Model Name
	  int identificationNumber;  //The product identification number
     String productNumber;      //class variable that stores cartridge number
     int unitsInStock;          //Number of units in stock
     double unitPriceInDollars; //The price of each unit in dollars
	  double restockFee;         //price for restocking units

    //Initialization constructor
    public Product5(
                    String nameIn, String printerName, int identificationNumberIn, String productNumberIn,
						  int unitsInStockIn, double unitPriceInDollarsIn, double restockFeeIn
        name                  = "";
		  printerName           = "";
        identificationNumber  = 0;
		  productNumber         = "";
		  unitsInStock          = 0;
        unitPriceInDollars    = 0.00;
		  restockFee            = 0.00;

    }//End Inventory constructor

    //Stores the item name
    public void setName( String nameIn )
        name = nameIn; //Store the item name

    }//End setName
	 public String getName()
	 	  return name;
    //Stores the printer model name
    public void setPrinterName( String printerNameIn )
        printerName = printerNameIn; //Store the item name

    }//End setPrinterModelName
	 public String getPrinterName()
	 	  return printerName;

    //Stores the product identification number
    public void setIdentificationNumber( int identificationNumberIn )
        //Store the item identification number
        // If the value is negative, then store 0
        identificationNumber = ( (identificationNumberIn > 0) ? identificationNumberIn : 0 );

    }//End setID
	 public int getIdentificationNumber()
        return ( identificationNumber ); //Return the identification number

    }//End getIdentificationNumber

	 //Stores cartridge product number
	 public void setProductNumber( String productNumberIn )
	 	   productNumber = productNumber;
    }//End setProductNumber
	 public String getProductNumber()
	 		return productNumber;
    //Stores the number of units in stock
    public void setUnitsInStock( int unitsInStockIn )
        //Store the number of units in stock
        // If the value is negative, then store 0
        unitsInStock = ( (unitsInStockIn > 0)?unitsInStockIn:0 );

    }//End setUnitsInStock
	 public int getUnitsInStock()
	 	  return unitsInStock;
    //Stores the price of each unit in dollars
    public void setUnitPriceInDollars( double unitPriceInDollarsIn )
        //Store the unit price
        // If the value is negative, then store 0.0
        unitPriceInDollars = ( (unitPriceInDollarsIn > 0.0)?unitPriceInDollarsIn:0.0);
    }//End setUnitPriceInDollars
	 public double getUnitPriceInDollars()
	 	  return unitPriceInDollars;
    //Stores the item restock fee
    public void setRestockFee( double restockFeeIn )
        restockFee = ( (restockFeeIn > 0.0)?restockFeeIn:0.0 ); //Store the item restock fee

    }//End setRestockFee

	 //Returns the restocking fee
	 public double getRestockFee()
	 	  return( restockFee );
    //Other Methods

    //Returns the total value of the inventory in dollars
    public double stockValueInDollars()
        return ( unitsInStock * unitPriceInDollars );

    }//End stockValueInDollars
    //Returns a formatted String for output purposes
    public String toString()
        String formatString = "Identification Number : %d\n";
        formatString       += "Cartridge Name        : %s\n";
        formatString       += "Printer Model         : %s\n";
        formatString       += "Product Number        : %s\n";
        formatString       += "Units In Stock        : %d\n";
        formatString       += "Unit Price            : $%.2f\n";
        formatString       += "Stock Value           : $%.2f\n";
		  formatString       += "Restocking Fee        : $%.2f\n";

        return ( String.format( formatString, identificationNumber, name, printerName, productNumber, unitsInStock,
                                unitPriceInDollars, stockValueInDollars(), restockFee )
    }//End toString()
}//End Product5 class

Inventory5GUI file:

//Inventory5GUI.java works with Product5, Model, Inventory5 java files

import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.util.Scanner; // program uses class Scanner

public class Inventory5GUI extends JFrame

	//create inventory for the Printer Cartridge Products
	Product5 Inventory;

	public static final int WIDTH = 400;
	public static final int HEIGHT = 200;
	int index = 0;

	// displays Product's information
	private final JLabel nameLabel = new JLabel("Product name: ");
	private JTextField nameText;

	private final JLabel printerNameLabel = new JLabel("Printer Name: ");
	private JTextField printerNameText;

	private final JLabel productNumberLabel = new JLabel("Product Number: ");
	private JTextField productNumberText;

	private final JLabel genreLabel = new JLabel("Genre: ");
	private JTextField genreText;

	private final JLabel unitpriceLabel = new JLabel("Unit Price: ");
	private JTextField unitpriceText;

	private final JLabel stockquantityLabel = new JLabel("Quantity in Stock: ");
	private JTextField stockquantityText;

	private final JLabel stockvalueLabel = new JLabel("Stock Value: ");
	private JTextField stockvalueText;

	private final JLabel restockFeeLabel = new JLabel("Fee for Restocking: ");
	private JTextField restockFeeText;

	private final JLabel totalValueLabel = new JLabel("Inventory Total: ");
	private JLabel totalValueText;

   // go to the next Cartridge Product in the list
    private Action nextAction  = new AbstractAction("Next")
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)

            // check to see if there is a next Printer Cartridge
            if (index = Inventory5.getSize() - 1)
                // last of cartridges in the list, can not go any further
                // so go to the front of the list
                index = 0;

          //  repaint();
    private JButton nextButton = new JButton(nextAction);

    // go to the previous Cartridge in the list
    private Action previousAction  = new AbstractAction("Previous")
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)

            // first Cartrdige, then go to the last Cartridge in the list
            if (index == 0)
                index = Product5.getSize() - 1;

    private JButton previousButton = new JButton(previousAction);

    // go to the first Cartridge in the list
    private Action firstAction  = new AbstractAction("First")
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)

            index = 0;

    private JButton firstButton = new JButton(firstAction);

    // go to the last Cartridge in the list
    private Action lastAction  = new AbstractAction("Last")
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)

            index = Product5.getSize() - 1;

    private JButton lastButton = new JButton(lastAction);

	public void addCartridgeToInventory(Product5 temp)

	public void sortProduct5()

	public Inventory5GUI(int maximum_number_of_Cartridges)
        //Header for Inventory
        super("My Printer Cartridge Inventory");

		   // create the inventory object to hold the printer cartridge information
	       Product5 = new Inventory(maximum_number_of_Cartridges);

			    // setup the GUI
			    // add the next button to the top of the GUI
			    // setup a panel to collect all the buttons in a FlowLayout
			    JPanel navButtonPanel = new JPanel();

		       getContentPane().add(navButtonPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);

	          ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon( "cartridge.jpg" );
	          imageLabel = new JLabel( "Cartridges", icon, JLabel.CENTER );
	          cp.add( imageLabel,BorderLayout.EAST );
	          this.setContentPane( cp );

	          this.setTitle( " Week 8: Inventory Program Part Five - Printer Cartridge Inventory " );

		       Image img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage();
		       Image scaledImage = img.getScaledInstance(225, 200, Image.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING);
		       JLabel logoLabel = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(scaledImage));
		       // add the logo

		        getContentPane().add(logoLabel, BorderLayout.WEST);

		        // setup a panel to collect all the components.
                JPanel centerPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(8, 2, 0, 4));

			    nameText = new JTextField("");

			    printerNameText = new JTextField("");

			    productNumberText = new JTextField("");

			    genreText = new JTextField("");

			    unitpriceindollarsText = new JTextField("");

			    UnitsInStockText = new JTextField("");

			    inventoryValueText = new JTextField("");

			    restockFeeText = new JTextField("");

			    // add the overall inventory information to the panel
			    totalValueText = new JLabel("");

			    // add the panel to the center of the GUI's window
			    getContentPane().add(centerPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);


	// repaint the GUI with new Printer Cartridge information
	public void repaint()

		Product5 temp = Product5.getProduct5(index);

		if (temp != null)
			nameText.setText( temp.getName() );
			printerNameText.setText( temp.getPrinterName() );
			productNumberText.setText( ""+temp.getProductNumber() );
			genreText.setText( temp.getGenre() );
			UnitPriceInDollarsText.setText( String.format("$%.2f", temp.getUnitPriceInDollars()) );
			UnitsInStockText.setText( ""+temp.getUnitsInStock() );
			InventoryValueText.setText( String.format("$%.2f", temp.getUnitPriceInDollars() * temp.getUnitsInStock() ) );
			restockFeeText.setText( String.format("$%.2f", temp.getRestockFee() ) );

		totalValueText.setText( String.format("$%.2f", Product5.getTotalValueOfAllInventory() ) );


	public static void main(String args[])

        // create a new GUI object
	    Inventory5GUI Cartridge_GUI = new Product5(5);

	    // Add the DVD's to the inventory
	    Cartridge_GUI.addCartridgeToInventory(new Product5("HP BLACK", 1, "LaserJet_4", "92298x", 3, 72.91, 3.65));
       Cartridge_GUI.addCartridgeToInventory(new Product5("HP 41 COLOR", 2, "Deskjet_820CXI", "51641a", 2, 21.29, 1.06));
       Cartridge_GUI.addCartridgeToInventory(new Product5("HP 78 TRI_COLOR", 3, "Deskjet_1220C", "c6578dn", 4, 22.45, 1.12));
       Cartridge_GUI.addCartridgeToInventory(new Product5("HP 102 Gray", 4,"Photosmart_8700",  "c9360an", 16, 22.99, 1.15));
       Cartridge_GUI.addCartridgeToInventory(new Product5("HP Black", 5, "Deskjet_9650", "c6656an", 14, 13.60, 0.68));

        // sort the Products by name

	    // Get the GUI to show up on the screen
	    Cartridge_GUI.setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
	    Cartridge_GUI.setSize(625, 325);
	    Cartridge_GUI.setLocationRelativeTo( null );



}  // End Inventory5GUI class

Of course, Inventory5GUI will not compile due to the other errors. Can someone please look at it and tell me what I have done.

Thank you.

Read the error message closely, they are pretty clear about the issues. You are calling things that do not exist in the parent class in that first file. The second file has structural problems such as a missing brace or semi-colon.

I now have corrected those issues; typos are a real killer in programming! Thank you for your comments.

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