Can anybody help me to add a blank row into a datagrid?
Thank you!


But if the datagrid is binded you need to add the row to the datasource, NOT in the DGV



But if the datagrid is binded you need to add the row to the datasource, NOT in the DGV


Could I enquire as to why you would want to do this? Give this a try:

datagrid1.Rows.Add(new object[]{null,null});

I am not sure if this will work but give it a try - let me know how it goes!

Thank you to all for your answers.
My datagrid is binded to an object.
I am adding an new empty collection to the object before to bind it to the datagrid.
I have a new empty row into my datagrid, but now the problem is that the id the item is null and I cannot update or delete it.

Can you help me with that?

Thank you!

Hooraay , I added a new object on Update and Delete procedures and now it works fine.
Thank you for your replay!

What object ?
What Id
What code

Difficult to say anything without a little more details ..

Set the all property of datagrid


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