I've tried to create mailbox in exchange 2007 using code that works on 2003-version. It's much faster to create a program in VB6 then in net. So, does anyone know what I have to do to make mailbox on 2007.version with vb6?

what exactly is your requirment ?

Dim oIADSUser
strDefaultNC = "DC=Gjesdal-kommune,DC=no"
Set oIADSUser = GetObject("LDAP://CN=Finn,OU=Administrasjonsavdelingen,_
OU=Tjenesteområde internt servicesenter,DC=Gjesdal,DC=no")
oIADSUser.CreateMailbox "LDAP://CN=MB1,CN=SN1,CN=InformationStore,_
CN=Exchange01,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrativ Group,_
CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Gjesdal Kommune,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,_

This does not work on exchange 2007.

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