I have just modified a script that notifies you when you have a new gmail message. Right now it just print out "you have a new gmail message" But, I would like to use some sort of graphics or something. I have zero experience with this though. Any ideas where to look or how to go about doing this?

wxPython, will aid you with GUI so will Tkinter (whic is built it). They will also allow basic graphics. For more detials graphics have a look at PyGame.


ok, ill check those out. Thanks for the help.

There is a simplifying wrapper for pygame called gasp. You need pygame installed first for this to work:

# using module gasp to draw an arc, a box, plots and circles
# info: GASP (Graphics API for Students of Python)
# A library built on pygame that enables absolute beginners to 
# write 1980's style arcade games as an introduction to python.
# free download from:
# http://dev.laptop.org/pub/gasp/releases/SOURCES/python-gasp-0.1.1.tar.bz2
# unpack python-gasp-0.1.1.tar.bz2 and copy the 'gasp' subdirectory 
# into your python path eg. C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\gasp
# you need pygame installed for gasp to work
# free download from : http://www.pygame.org/

from gasp import *

# rgb color tuples
black = 0, 0, 0
blue = 0, 0, 255
brown = 165, 42, 42
green = 0, 255, 0
orange = 255, 165, 0 
red = 255, 0, 0
white = 255, 255, 255
yellow = 255, 255, 0


t = Text("Huston, we have a problem!", (100,420), color=blue, size=40)

# Line(from (x, Y), to (x, y))
q1 = Line((30, 400), (500, 400), color=black)
q2 = Line((30, 395), (500, 395), color=yellow)
q3 = Line((30, 390), (500, 390), color=black)

# Arc(center (x, y), radius, degrees_start, degrees_end)
# degrees relative to x axis (horizontal)
a = Arc((100,200), 100, 30, 330, filled=True, color=red)

# Box(lower_left_corner (x, y), width, height)
b1 = Box((100, 100), 200, 200, color=blue, thickness=5)
b2 = Box((10, 50), 500, 20, filled=True, color=brown)

# Circle(center (x, y), radius)
c1 = Circle((420,200), 100, filled=True, color=green)
c2 = Circle((420,200), 120, color=orange, thickness=5)

# Plot(center (x, y)) a filled rectangle of given size
p1 = Plot((550,380), color=red, size=10)
p2 = Plot((550,60), color=blue, size=10)

sleep(5)  # display graphics for 5 seconds


That looks cool. I am going to give that one a try, it's looks simple enough.

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