
i was wondering if anyone could help me out with this. i'm getting a compile error like this:

[C++ Error] TestDriver.cpp(26): E2285 Could not find a match for 'Airport::Airport(char *,double,char *,FlightsTL)'

i'm really sorry about this but the code is a bit lengthy. it comprises of two header files and three CPP files (two files that correspond to the header files and one TestDriver). I have to post all of the code so that you can get an understanding of what's happening. basically i'm trying to make the airport have a flight schedule by using the FlightsTL classes objects

#ifndef FLIGHTS_
#define FLIGHTS_
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;

		class Flight {  //a class which makes a flight

		string org; //origin of flight
		string dest; //destination of flight
		double depTime;    // departure time
		double dura;  // duration of flight

		   //Start House-keeping functions
		  /*Default constructor
		 Flight ();

		  /* Constructor for flight object
		  Flight(const string&, const string&,const double&,const double&);

		  /* copy constructor for flight object

		  // Flight(const Flight& rhs);

		   /**destructor for flight object

		   //end House-keeping functions\\

 //_________________Start of other Flight functions___________________________\\

		   /* Equals operation
		   Flight& operator=(const Flight& rhs);

		   /* get origin
		   string getOrigin()const;

		   /* get destination
		   string getDestination()const;

		   /* get departure time
		   double getDepartureTime()const;

		   /* get duration
		   double getDuration ()const;

		   /* set origin
		   void setOrigin(string);

		   /* set destination
		   void setDestination(string);

		   /* set departure time
		   void setDepartureTime(double);

		   /* get duration
		   void setDuration(double);

		   /* set all

		   void setAll(string,string,double,double);

		   /** ToString to display flight information
		   string toString()const;

		   } ;

 // _________end of Flight class__________________\\

		class FlightsTL{  //container that will hold Flight objects

		friend class Flight;

		int FlightsNum; // keeps track of how many airports there are
		vector<Flight> Flights;   // container for all flights


			/*Default constructor

		  /* constructor


		  /*copy constructor

		  FlightsTL (const FlightsTL& rhs);


		  /*Equals operator
		  FlightsTL& operator=(const FlightsTL& rhs);

		  /* get FlightsNum
		   int getFlightsNum ();

		   /*is empty function
		   bool isEmpty();
		   /* set FlightsNum
		   void setFlightsNum(int);

		   /*add a existing Flighr
		  void addFlight(const Flight&);

			* this is adding a new flight
		   void addNewFlight(const string&, const string&,const double&, const double&);

			/** ToString to display flight information
		   string toString();

			} ;
#                endif /*FLIGHTS_*/

next is the corresponding CPP file


		  //_____________Start Implementation of Flight class________________\\

		  /*Start House-keeping functions  for Flight Class
		   * Default constructor
		   Flight:: Flight (){
		   //debug statement
		   cout<< "we are in the construtor with Default arguments\n";

		   setDuration(0) ;


		  /* Constructor for flight object
		   Flight::Flight(const string &orig ,const string &destin ,const double &dep, const double &dur ){
			//debug statement
		   cout<< "we are in the construtor with arguments\n";


		 /* copy constructor for flight object

		   FlightsTL:: Flight:: Flight(const Flight& rhs){

		   } */

		   /**destructor for flight object
		  Flight::  ~Flight(){

		   //end House-keeping functions \\

	   //_____________Start other functions____________________________\\

		   /* Equals operation
		  Flight&  Flight::operator=(const Flight& rhs){

			return *this;

		   /* get origin
		 string  Flight::getOrigin() const{

			  return org;

		   /* get destination
		 string  Flight::getDestination()const{

			  return dest;


		   /* get departure time
		   double  Flight:: getDepartureTime()const{

				return depTime;


		   /* get duration
		   double  Flight:: getDuration ()const{

			   return dura;


		   /* set origin
		   void  Flight:: setOrigin(string t ){

				  org = t;

		   /* set destination
		   void  Flight:: setDestination(string s){

				  dest =s;


		   /* set departure time
		   void  Flight:: setDepartureTime(double c){

			  depTime = c;

		   /* get duration
		   void  Flight:: setDuration(double d){

				dura = d;

		   /* set all

		   void  Flight:: setAll(string a,string b,double c,double d){

				   setDuration(d) ;

		   /** ToString to display flight information
		   string  Flight:: toString()const{
				  string s;
				  double depT = getDepartureTime();
				  double durA =  getDuration();
				   // convert double to string
				  char deptStr[50];
				  // convert to string
				  char durStr[50];
				  // print all Flight information
				  s=getOrigin() +"\t"+ getDestination() + "\t"+ deptStr + "\t"+ durStr +"\n" ;
					return s;

	//__________________end of Flight implementation_____________\\

	//__________________Start of of FlightsTL implementation_____________\\

		  /*Default constructor

			FlightsNum = 0;


		  /* constructor

		  // FlightsTL:: FlightsTL(int num){

		  // }

		  /*copy constructor

		  FlightsTL:: FlightsTL (const FlightsTL& rhs){
			 Flights = rhs.Flights;


		  FlightsTL:: ~FlightsTL(){


		  /*Equals operator
		  FlightsTL& FlightsTL::operator=(const FlightsTL& rhs){
				if (this != &rhs){
					return *this;

					return *this;

		  /* get FlightsNum
		 int  FlightsTL:: getFlightsNum (){

			   return FlightsNum;

		   /* is empty method
		  bool FlightsTL:: isEmpty(){

			   if(FlightsNum == 0){
			   return true;

			   return false;


		   /* set FlightsNum
		 void FlightsTL::  setFlightsNum(int num){

			   FlightsNum = num;


		 void FlightsTL::addFlight(const Flight& Flight){



		 /*add Flighr
		 void FlightsTL:: addNewFlight(const string& origin , const string& destination,const double& depTime, const double& duration){



			/** ToString to display all flights and thier information
		 string  FlightsTL:: toString(){
					  vector<Flight>::iterator find;
					  string str;

					  if (getFlightsNum() == 0) {
							return "Nothing to show" ;

				for(find = Flights.begin(); find != Flights.end(); find++){

			return str;


	  //__________________end of FlightsTL Implementation______________\\

	  //think about adding remove(), and clear() and add via text

here's the next header file

#ifndef AIRPORTS_
#define AIRPORTS_
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;

		class Airport {  //a class which makes an Airport


		string code;  // three letter code for airport
		double minConnect; //minimum connection time between Flights
		string description; //a description of airport
		FlightsTL scheduel;

		   //Start House-keeping functions
		  /*Default constructor
		 Airport ();

		  /* Constructor for Airport object
		  Airport(const string&, const double&, const string&,const Flight& );

		  /* copy constructor for Airport object

		  // Airport(const Airport& rhs);

		   /**destructor for Airport object

		   //end House-keeping functions\\

 //_________________Start of other Airport functions___________________________\\

		   /* Equals operation
		   Airport& operator=(const Airport& rhs);

		   /* get minimum connection
		   double getMinimumConnectionTime()const;

		   /* get Code
		   string getCode()const;

		   /* get description
		   string getDescription()const;

		   * get scheduel
		   FlightsTL getScheduel();

		   * set scheduel
		   void setScheduel(const FlightsTL&);

		   /* set minimum connection time
		   void setMinimumConnect (double);

		   /* set code
		   void setCode (string);

		   /* set description
		   void setDescription (string);

		   /* set all

		   void setAll (string,double,string);

		   /** ToString to display Airport information
		   string toString()const;

		   } ;

 // _________end of Airport class__________________\\

		class AirportsTL{  //container that will hold Airport objects

		friend class Airport;

		int AirportsNum; // keeps track of how many airports there are
		vector<Airport> Airports;   // container for all Airports


			/*Default constructor

		  /* constructor  with arguments


		  /*copy constructor

		  AirportsTL (const AirportsTL& rhs);


		  /*Equals operator
		  AirportsTL& operator=(const AirportsTL& rhs);

		  /* get AirportsNum
		   int getAirportsNum ();

		   /*is empty function
		   bool isEmpty();
		   /* set AirportsNum
		   void setAirportsNum (int);

		   /*add a existing Flighr
		  void addAirport(const Airport&);

			* this is adding a new Airport
		   void addNewAirport(const string&,const double&,  const string&);

			/** ToString to display Airport information
		   string toString();

			} ;

#endif /*AIRPORTS_*/

here's the corresp CPP file

#include "Airports.h"

 //_____________________Start of Airport Class Implementation_________________\\

		   //Start House-keeping functions
		  /*Default constructor
		 Airport:: Airport (){
			  setScheduel(FlightsTL plan);


		  /* Constructor for Airport object
		 Airport:: Airport(const string& code, const double& minCon, const string& description,const Flight& Fplan){


		  /* copy constructor for Airport object

		  // Airport(const Airport& rhs);

		   /**destructor for Airport object
		  Airport:: ~Airport(){


		   //end House-keeping functions\\

 //_________________Start of other Airport functions___________________________\\

		   /* Equals operation
		Airport&  Airport::  operator=(const Airport& rhs){

					  return *this;


		   /* get minimum connection
		  double Airport:: getMinimumConnectionTime()const{

							return minConnect;


		   /* get Code
		   string Airport:: getCode()const{
				  return code;


		   /* get description
		   string Airport:: getDescription()const{

				  return description;


		   * get scheduel
		   FlightsTL Airport:: getScheduel(){

				return scheduel;


		   * set scheduel
		   void Airport::setScheduel(const FlightsTL& s){
					scheduel =s;


		   /* set minimum connection time
		   void Airport:: setMinimumConnect (double a){

					 minConnect =a;


		   /* set code
		   void Airport:: setCode (string b){
						code = b;


		   /* set description
		   void Airport:: setDescription (string c){

					description = c;


		   /* set all

		   void Airport:: setAll (string a,double b,string c){

				   setMinimumConnect(b) ;


		   /** ToString to display Airport information
		   string Airport:: toString()const{

			   string s;
				  double mCon = getMinimumConnectionTime();

				   // convert double to string
				  char mConStr[50];

				  // print all Airport information
				  s=getCode() +"\t"+ mConStr + "\t"+ "\t"+ getDescription() +"\n" ;
					return s;


//____________________end of Airport class implementation___________________\\

//____________________Start of AirportsTL class implementation_______________\\

			/*Default constructor
		 AirportsTL:: AirportsTL(){

		 AirportsNum = 0;


		  /* constructor  with arguments

		 //AirportsTL:: AirportsTL(int){


		  /*copy constructor

		  AirportsTL:: AirportsTL (const AirportsTL& rhs){
				   Airports =rhs.Airports;


		  AirportsTL:: ~AirportsTL(){


		  /*Equals operator
		AirportsTL& AirportsTL::  operator=(const AirportsTL& rhs){

					if (this != &rhs){
					return *this;

					return *this;


		  /* get AirportsNum

	  //------------end of house-keeping------------------\\
		   int AirportsTL::getAirportsNum (){

		   return AirportsNum;


		   /*is empty function
		   bool AirportsTL:: isEmpty(){
				  if(AirportsNum == 0){
			   return true;

			   return false;

		   /* set AirportsNum
		   void AirportsTL:: setAirportsNum (int a){

				AirportsNum = a;


		   /*add a existing Flighr
		  void AirportsTL:: addAirport(const Airport& Airport){



			* this is adding a new Airport
		   void AirportsTL:: addNewAirport(const string& code,const double& minCon,  const string& desc){



			/** ToString to display Airport information
		   string AirportsTL:: toString(){

			vector<Airport>::iterator find;
					  string str;

					  if (getAirportsNum() == 0) {
							return "Nothing to show" ;

				for(find = Airports.begin(); find != Airports.end(); find++){

			return str;


 //____________________end of AirportsTL implementation______________________\\

 // remember to ad extra functions remove(), clear() etc

and here's the TestDriver


#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "Airports.h"
using namespace std;


#pragma argsused
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
	//Create a Flight object using argumets
	Flight b ("adl","mel",1.00,1.30);
	//Create a Flight object using no argumets
	Flight d;
	//Create FlightsTL object
	FlightsTL C;
		 //Attempt to put Flight object into FlightsTL
		 //there is an error when this line is uncommented
	   //Constructor for airport trying to make it accept a set of flights at the end

	Airport a("syd",0.30,"Sydney domestic airport",C);
	 //Airport z("Mel",2.30,"Melbourne domestic airport");
	 AirportsTL j;

	 //cout<< "TESTING "<< j.toString()<<"\n";

	//cout<< "TESTING "<< d.toString()<<"\n";

	return 0;

thanks for the help in advance

Jay F

Anyone got anything?

I don't see a constructor for this call.

Airport a("syd",0.30,"Sydney domestic airport",C);

So do you have the above constructor implemented in your code? I didn't see it. If you do not, you cannot make the above call. The closest I see is this:

Airport::Airport(const std::string &,const double &,const std::string &,const Flight &)

C is type FlightsTL, not Flight&

Also, you can post your code using C++ style code tags:

[code=cplusplus] // paste code here


This will add line numbers to your code so you can refer to them in the writeup, and say which line the error is coming from. That'll help a lot with code this big.

I don't see a constructor for this call.

Airport a("syd",0.30,"Sydney domestic airport",C);

So do you have the above constructor implemented in your code? I didn't see it. If you do not, you cannot make the above call. The closest I see is this:

Airport::Airport(const std::string &,const double &,const std::string &,const Flight &)

C is type FlightsTL, not Flight&

Also, you can post your code using C++ style code tags:

[code=cplusplus] // paste code here


This will add line numbers to your code so you can refer to them in the writeup, and say which line the error is coming from. That'll help a lot with code this big.

Thanks for having a look, i will give that a try! and i will use the c++ tags from now on, sorry about that(didn't know):$

Anyone got anything?

There is one 'oddity' that needs to be pointed out, namely usage of '\\' as end-of-comment marker. The backslash at the end of the single line comment works as a line continuation character and hence the next line is also taken as comment. You have one instance of this happening, i.e.

//------------end of house-keeping------------------\\
		   int AirportsTL::getAirportsNum (){ <- this line turns into a comment

So it's better to use something else to end the comment lines.

You have some type mismatches there + something else too

setScheduel(FlightsTL plan); 
// maybe you meant just (?)

// ----------------------------------
// Fplan is not of type FlightsTL

// ----------------------------------
// you don't have a ctor taking only 3 arguments

// ----------------------------------
// C is not of type Flight
Airport a("syd",0.30,"Sydney domestic airport",C);

you are right in what you said, it compiles now

and it does take the object ie C, but any idea how i would check to see that the C is actually there?

i thought of using airport classes tostring() to do it but have no clue where to start

string Airport:: toString()const{

			   string s;
				  double mCon = getMinimumConnectionTime();

				   // convert double to string
				  char mConStr[50];

				  // print all Airport information
				  s=getCode() +"\t"+ mConStr + "\t"+ getDescription() + "\n" ;
					return s;


thanks again for answering previous question

got it!! :p thanks

you are right in what you said, it compiles now

and it does take the object ie C, but any idea how i would check to see that the C is actually there?

i thought of using airport classes tostring() to do it but have no clue where to start

string Airport:: toString()const{

			   string s;
				  double mCon = getMinimumConnectionTime();

				   // convert double to string
				  char mConStr[50];

				  // print all Airport information
				  s=getCode() +"\t"+ mConStr + "\t"+ getDescription() + "\n" ;
					return s;


thanks again for answering previous question

I don't understand what you are asking here in red. You were close on the code tags, but you had a space in there and you forgot an s:

[code =cpluplus]

You don't want the space. You want it like this:


I don't understand what you are asking here in red. You were close on the code tags, but you had a space in there and you forgot an s:

[code =cpluplus]

You don't want the space. You want it like this:


I was refering to the C object i created in the TestDriver

FlightsTL C;
		 //Attempt to put Flight object into FlightsTL
		 //there is an error when this line is uncommented
	   //Constructor for airport trying to make it accept a set of flights at the end

	Airport a("syd",0.30,"Sydney domestic airport",C);

I need to know how to print out each Flight's detail (from C), i am thinking of writing a Fuction like this

		   * print all Flights
		   string Airport:: PrintFlights(){



then calling that PrintFlights() in my toString for Airport class. But dont know how to implement the PrintFlights function.

I was refering to the C object i created in the TestDriver

FlightsTL C;
		 //Attempt to put Flight object into FlightsTL
		 //there is an error when this line is uncommented
	   //Constructor for airport trying to make it accept a set of flights at the end

	Airport a("syd",0.30,"Sydney domestic airport",C);

I need to know how to print out each Flight's detail (from C), i am thinking of writing a Fuction like this

		   * print all Flights
		   string Airport:: PrintFlights(){



then calling that PrintFlights() in my toString for Airport class. But dont know how to implement the PrintFlights function.

Well, Airport has a data member called "scheduel", which is of type FlightsTL. FlightsTL has a data member which is a vector of type Flight called Flights. Do you have an Airport:: PrintFlight() function? If so, I would traverse the Flights vector and make a call to that function for each Flight in the Flights vector:

string Airport:: PrintFlights()
    for (int i = 0; i < scheduel.Flights.size(); i++)
        Flight aFlight = scheduel.Flights.at(i);

Is that what you have in mind? If these data members are private, you may need to use a public accessor function in lines 3 and 5.

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