As a very new member, I'll have to use some common sense to be sure I don't violate any of the rules.

I have one question. I couldn't find gwbasic in the forums, so I clicked on a language that's somewhat in the order of gwbasic, namely pascal.

Specifically, I wanted to know how I can get the full screen when working in Dos with gwbasic. I Have widened the screen but can only get about 1/3 of the vertical screen when I run a gwbasic program.

Is there any way to get a larger vertical portion of the screen?


No. With some old BASICs you can play with the SCREEN command to set the window mode, but GWBASIC doesn't understand anything but CGA modes...

Also, the forum you want is Legacy and Other Languages.

Hope this helps.

Thank You. I tried a number of actions, but without success. At least I can put it to rest.
Thanks again.

You know, if you are willing to play with some assembly language, you can link it into GWBASIC and do what you want...

Antonis's GWBASIC User's Manual

(But it is probably more worth the effort just to port it to VB.)

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