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Hi =)

I am very new to c++ and have started messing around with some lines of code, but I am totaly stuck on this one:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int antnames;
    cout << "How many names do you want to put in the base? \n";
    cin >> antnames;
    struct names
           string namee;
           int age;
           } namess[antnames];
    int n;
    string mystr;
    for (n = 0; n<antnames; n++)
        cout << "Enter name: ";
        cout << "Enter age for this person: ";
        stringstream(mystr) >> namess[n].age;
    int nn;
    for (nn = 0; nn<antnames; nn++)
        cout << "Name: " << namess[nn].namee << "\n";
        cout << "Age: " << namess[nn].age << "\n";

When the codes execute and hits this point:
for (n = 0; n<antnames; n++)
cout << "Enter name: ";
cout << "Enter age for this person: ";
stringstream(mystr) >> namess[n].age;

In the FIRST round in the loop it does not let me enter the first name.
In the second and so on it works just fine.

There was no problem when i used #DEFINE antnames instead of user input.
But this is not the desired effect for me =)

Can anyone help me out here?

The size of the array has to be known at compile time. If it has to be decided at run-time please use dynamic arrays. When you used #Define the size was known at compile time hence it worked.

Member Avatar for bjaanes

Right, right.

But how do that for an array in the structure?

struct names
string namee;
int age;
} namess[antnames];

How to use dynamic memory on the namess array?

I have tried around for a bit, but seems to be rather stuck again.

like this,

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int antnames;
    cout << "How many names do you want to put in the base : ";
    cin >> antnames;
    struct names
           string namee;
           int age;
    names *details = new names[antnames];
    string mystr;
    for (int n = 0; n<antnames; n++)
        cout << "\nEnter name: ";
        getline(cin, details[n].namee);
        cout << "\nEnter age for this person: ";
        stringstream(mystr) >> details[n].age;
    int nn;
    for (nn = 0; nn<antnames; nn++)
        cout << "Name: " << details[nn].namee << "\n";
        cout << "Age: " << details[nn].age << "\n";
Member Avatar for bjaanes

I finally got i working =)

Very good! Thank you.

But why does it seem like cin.get() was one of the reasons it jumped over the first name entry? :S
(need to learn this stuff to ^^)

That's because you're mixing cin << with cin.get();
cin << ... leaves a "\n" (end of line) character on the stream and when you then call cin.get(), that character is still on the stream, so you aren't able to type anything. (cin.get only takes 1 char)

To avoid this problem, use:

#include <limits.h>

cin.ignore ( INT_MAX, '\n' );
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