hello, I created an application that use another jar files!..... my application is connected to database and have a report!.... as we all know to connect a JAVA App. in mysql database it needs an connector!.... I configure it out!... my problem is I have another JAR files for for the JasperReport.... can any one help me with this problem??

You can have as many jar files as you want in your application's classpath. Add it just like you did for the mysql connector.

what seprator can I use??

in my batch file I put a semi colon, but how in manifest file??

what seprator can I use??

in my batch file I put a semi colon, but how in manifest file??

The semicolon for separating you Jars is valid on Windows only, on Linux its a colon ( : )
Anyways whats the problem of manifest file, I don think you have to do anything to it

Yes, in the manifest you just separate them with a space. No other delimiter needed.

Class-Path: Some.jar Another.jar

Yes, in the manifest you just separate them with a space. No other delimiter needed.

Class-Path: Some.jar Another.jar

Shucks.... From the docs I thought it was needed when we package a jar inside another jar !!!:-O

You can't access jars within jars.

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